1.Adage (Noun)
Meaning: A short statement indicating a general truth or piece of wisdom.(KAHAWAT)
Example: A popular adage- A apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Synonyms: Aphorism; saying; Proverb; maxim.
Antonyms: Misstatement; falsehood.
2.Mercurial (Adjective)
Meaning: Something that is unpredictable or sudden change of mood or mind. (चंचल/अस्थिर)
Example: We cannot predict a man who is having mercurial behavior.
Synonyms: Volatile; unpredictable; capricious; erratic; eccentric.
Antonyms: Stable; consistent; predictable; calm.
3. Palpable(Adjective)
Meaning: Something that seems able to be touched or felt; almost intangible.(स्पर्शनीय)
Example: When Hitler entered in the hall where the Yehudi’s were captured, the fear on
On their faces was so palpable.
Synonyms: Tangible; obvious; noticeable; detectable.
Antonyms: Intangible; imperceptible; unclear; invisible.
4. Glaucoma(Noun)
Meaning: A condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight. (काला मोतिया)
Example: Please see the doctor lest you should loss your eyes’ vision because of glaucoma.
5. Flummox (Verb)
Meaning: To confuse someone completely. (उलझन में डालना)
Example: The dual face of America in international relationships flummoxes most of the countries.
Synonyms: Confuse; perplex; baffle; bewildered.
Antonyms: Clarify; enlighten; explain; simplify;
6.Trudge (Verb)
Meaning: something that causes sluggishness or slowness. (थके हुए चलना)
Example: After the long hike, she had to trudge through the muddy terrain to get back to camp.
Synonyms: Plod; slog; trek; lumber.
Antonyms: Sprint; dash; glide; breeze.
7. Balmy (Adjective)
Meaning: something that is very pleasant and mild, especially of weather. (सुहावना/शांति)
Example: It was a balmy day when i proposed her.
Synonyms: Mild; pleasant; temperate; soothing.
Antonyms; Harsh; cold; severe; freezing.
8. Recusant (Noun/Adjective)
Meaning: A person who refuges to accept something or who is very obstinate. (
बिरोध करने वाला/अश्विकार करने वाला)
Example: The recusant was punished for not adhering to the king’s commands.
Synonyms: Dissenter; rebel nonconformist; defiant.
Antonyms: conformist; obedient; compliant; submissive.
9. Furtive (adverb)
Meaning: Attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief discovery would lead to trouble. (चुपके से/गुप्त)
Example: She cast a furtive glance at the door before slipping out for the room.
Synonyms: Secretive; sly; stealthy; surreptitious.
Antonyms: Open; overt; obvious; transparent.
10. Censorious (adjective)
Meaning: something that is very critical or sever of others.(निदानात्मक/आलोचनात्मक)
Example: Her censorious remarks about the performers were unnecessary and hurtful.
Synonyms: Critical; judgmental; fault-finding; disparaging.
Antonyms: Approving; praising; complimentary; tolerant.
11. Neigh (Noun/Verb)
Meaning: The sound produced by a horse. (घोड़े का हिनहिनाहत)
Example: The horse neighed when its owner came towards him.
12. Accrue (verb)
Meaning: To accumulate or increase over time. (एकत्र/बढ़ना)
Example: Interest will accrue on your bank account over time.
Synonyms: accumulate; amass.
Antonyms: decrease; reduce.
13. Exorbitant (adjective)
Meaning: Excessively high or unreasonable especially for prices. (अत्यधिक/बहुत ज्यादा)
Example: The restaurant charged exorbitant prices for ordinary food.
Synonyms: excessive; outrageous.
Antonyms: reasonable; moderate.
14. Bellicose (Adjective)
Meaning: showing aggression or willingness of fighting. (लड़ाकू स्वभाव वाला)
Example: Because of China bellicose attitude every country hates him.
Synonyms: Aggressive; combative.
Antonyms: peaceful; calm.
15. Telegenic (Adjective)
Meaning: appearing attractive on television. (आकर्षक)
Example: The politician telegenic looks made him a favorite in media interviews.
Synonyms: photogenic; camera-friendly.
Antonyms: unappealing; unattractive.
16. Fortified (adjective)
Meaning: strengthened or protected, especially against attack. (मजबूत/सुरक्षित)
Synonyms: strengthened; reinforced.
Antonyms: Weakened; vulnerable.
17. Retaliatory (adjective)
Meaning: an act of revenge or retaliation. (बदला लेना)
Synonyms: A vengeful; revengeful.
Antonyms: forgiving; nonviolent.
18. Dilemma (Noun)
Meaning: A situation where a difficult choice has to be made.(दुबिधा)
Example: I was in dilemma when my parents refuged me to marry to her.
Synonyms: quandary; predicament.
Antonyms: certainty; clarity.
19. Suo Motu (Adjective)
Meaning: When a court takes own initiative. (स्वंय संज्ञान लेना)
Example: The court took Suo Motu action in Bengal rape case.
Synonyms: self-initiative; spontaneous.
Antonyms: prompted; requested.
20. Contractual (adjective)
Meaning: related to a contract or agreement. (अनुबंधित)
Example: The worker’s employment is purely contracted.
Synonyms: agreed; binding.
Antonyms: informal; non- binding.
21. Clatter
Meaning: Something that makes noisy sound.
Example: The knife slipped from my hand and it clattered on stone floor.
Synonyms: Clap; rap, rat; slap; jingle
Antonyms: Peace; calm.
22. Renowned
Meaning: something that is famous.
Example: He is well renowned for his dancing skill.
Synonyms: eminent; famous; popular.
Antonyms: inglorious; unknown; forgotten; uncelebrated.
23. A Curtain Lecture
Meaning: A private scolding of a husband by his wife.
Example: Men bear a curtain lecture from his wife to sustain their relationship.
24. Oracy
Meaning: An ability to express oneself well in speech.
Example: Oracy skills are very important for the leaders to articulate their thoughts to their followers.
Synonyms: Articulate; eloquence; fluent; talkative
Antonyms: shy; inarticulate; hesitated.
- Attune:
Meaning: To make yourself receptive or aware.
Use: I have never got in an accident because I am always attune while driving the car.
- Oligarchy:
Meaning: A small group of people having control of a country.
Use: In many countries it is seen as an oligarchy because of poverty and lack of education.
- Immaculate:
Meaning: free from flaws or mistakes.
Use: Manjeet has always been an immaculate person in his work.
- Spotless:
Meaning: without fault or pure.
Use: Last year Mohan was accused of murder but having a trial in the court he was found spotless.
- Comparing apples to oranges:
Meaning: comparing two things that cannot be compared.
Use: Comparing between India and pakistan is just like comparing apples to oranges
- Outriders:
Meaning: one who escorts or clears the way for a vehicle or man.
Use: When Narendra Modi moves in a city from one place to another, many outriders escort him or clear the way for him for the security purpose.
- Hold onto:
Meaning: To keep or maintain something.
Use: I have been holding onto my promises since childhood.
- Hold to:
Meaning: means adhere or follow the principle.
Use: We should always hold to the principle of life.
- Hold against:
Meaning: To restrain or offence something.
Use: in yesterday’s meeting, I held against the idea of her.