All Synonyms List, in which we will provide the visitors up to five hundred synonyms and their meanings in detailed.
- Votive: Holy speech.
- Acrimonious: Related to bitter ( Acrimonious speech )
- Hirsute: Hairy ( Full of hair – Anil kapoor )
- Commensurate: Equivalent to.
- Jovial: Happiness.
- Stealthy: Chori se.
- Paltry: Kami/kam matra mein.
- Gullible: Jo asaani se bharosa kar le/credulous.
- Raucous: Harsh noise.
- Morose: Sad.
- Copious: Abundant.
- Flagrant: Blatant ( ex- Blatant lie- jhhooth bhi sinajori bhi )
- Inscrutable: Not showing any emotions so that it is difficult to understand or know.
- Blithe: Cheerful.
- Disgruntled: Disappointed.
- Introspection: The examination of one’s own mental and emotional processes.
- Redundant: Superfluous.
- Bemused: perplexed/unable to think/bechain.
- Apocryphal: doubtful authenticity.
- Ebullient: energetic.
- Tantamount: Similar/equivalent.
- Procrastinate: postponing of any task.
- Apogee: Peak/zenith/apex/summit/pinnacle.
- Facetious: Flippant/to take a serious matter in a light way.
- Abstruse: Obscure/difficult to understand.
- Magnanimous: Kindly hearted person.
- Fawning: A flatterer person/ sycophant/obsequious.
- Saccharine: Excessively sweet.
- Hound: To be surrounded by.
- Tempest: Violent storm.
- Epitome: Perfect example of something.
- Travesty: Misrepresentation of something.
- Skunk: Despicable/ jise koi dekhna na chahe.
- Ruckus: Khurafat.
- Proliferate: To increase the quantity of something.
- Drudgery: Mehanat majdoori wala kaam
- Consecrating: Sanctification.
- Pertaining to: Related to.
- Condescending: Showing dignity/superiority.
- Derisive: Refer to contempt.
- Disparaging: Kisi ko neecha dikhana.
- Grandiose: Badha chadha kar baat karna.
- Introspective: Consider one’s own internal feelings.
- Incendiary: Causing strong feelings.
- Laudatory: Praising; extolling; applauding.
- Quixotic: Eccentric, Fantastical.
- Sarcastic: Bitter derision.
- Satirical: Vyangatmak bhaaw se majak udaana.
- Viaduct: A bridge that carries a road or railway line over a valley or other obstacles.
- Thrifty: Showing care with money and avoiding waste.
- Pessimist: A person who always looks at the negative sides of things.
- Temerity: Means audacity or boldness; Impudence.
- Trenchant: Sharp and incisive.
- Domicile: Permanent home of someone or something.
- Oasis: Refers to a fertile spot in the desert where water is found.
- Embankment: Dam.
- Despondent: Feeling extremely sad and without no hope.
- Absorbed: Fully engrossed or deeply involved in something; Soaked.
- Bad blood: Hostile or negative relationship b/w two people or groups.
- Iconoclast: A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions.
- Plagiarist: A person who steals someone else’s work and passes them off as their own.
- Expiation: The act of making amends for wrongdoing or sin.
- Exasperation: Feeling of intense irritation and annoyance.
- Expedition: Means journey of voyage undertaken for specific purpose, often involving exploration or research.
- Impudent: Very rude; Lacking respect or not polite.
- Strident: Used about loud and unpleasant sounds.
- Resplendent: Luminous.
- Relish: To enjoy.
- Ravishing: Extremely beautiful or attractive.
- Inept: means lacking in ability or skill.
- Inapt: means unsuitable or inappropriate.
- Convalescent: Recovering from illness.
- Senate: one of the two groups of politicians who make laws in some political system.
- Fixation: strong attachment or obsession for something.
- Indifference: lack of interest or concern.
- Bevy: a group of women or group.
- Rank and file: ordinary workers in a company.
- Halcyon: a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
- Condone: to approve or sanction something with reluctance.
- Broke into: to enter a building or place forcibly or illegally.
- Qeer pitch: spoil somebody’s chance of doing something.
- Remission: means temporarily or permanently decreasing or subsiding of something.
- Witty: means clever and humorous.
- Giddy: dizzy or lightheaded; चक्कर
- Lessen: reduce in amount; degree or intensity.
- Endurance: having patience against unpleasant or difficult situations.
- Barred: Inherited; not allowed.
- Have a bee in bonnet: Means someone is obsessed with something and talking constantly.
- Put a bee on someone: Means try to obtain money from, as a loan or donation.
- Make a bee in line: Means head to the straight for something.
- Give a buzz: To call someone on the phone.
- To pull your weight: To do your full share of work.
- Terrestrial: Related to the ground or earth.
- Subterranean: Underground.
- Acceded: Agreed to the demand, request or treaty.
- Saga: कथा
- Arcane: mysterious; obscure or something that is difficult to understand.
- Aesthetic: beauty.
- Utopia: an Imagined place or state in which everything is perfect or ideal.
- Myopia: A person who can see the thing which is nearby to him but facing difficulty to see the farther things; also used to having narrow- mindedness or lack of imagination.
- Anopia: blindness or lack of visual perception.
- Sepia: a reddish- brown colour often used to describe the old photographs or artwork.
- Camouflage: To hide something.
- Repent: To be very sorry for something bad that you have done in your past life and wish that you had not done it.
- Auspicious: Suggesting a positive and successful future.
- Unnerve: To make someone feel less confident and slightly frightened.
- Incarcerated: To keep someone in prison.
- Detain: To force someone officially to stay in place.
- Confine: To limit activity, person or problem in some way.
- Canvass: Try to get political support or votes, especially by visiting all the houses in an area.
- Celler: A room under the ground floor of a building usually used for storing things.
- Biopsy: The process of removing and examining a small amount of tissue from a sick person in order to discover more about their illness.
- To iron out: To resolve or smooth out the differences or problems.
- Ambience: माहौल
- Digress: Diversion from subject.
- Stray: Diversion from route.
- Deviate : Diversion from common way or behaviour.
- Equitable: Fair.
- Sheath: A cover for a knife or other sharp weapon.
- Crooked: Twisted or bent.
- Sprinkled: Means to scatter small drops of particles over something.
- Vandalism: Deliberate destruction of anyone’s property.
- Man of means: A wealthy person.
- Asperity: Harsh conditions or roughness.
- Loaves of fishes: Material benefits.
- Turncoat: an act of defection.
- Vague: Unclear; indefinite.
- Caught a tartar: To encounter someone or something that is unexpectedly difficult to deal with.
- Damsel to distress: A young woman who is in need of help or protection.
- Casting a pearls before swine: Give valuable or important things to someone but he doesn’t understand its importance.
- Fierce: having violent or aggressive nature.
- Got someone’s goat: To upset or irritate someone.
- Guzzle: To eat or drink eagerly or in large amounts.
- Cite: To quote.
- Chugging: To ask for a donation on the road from the passing people.
- Gulping: to swallow food or drink in large mouthfuls, often audibly.
- Disenable: Cripple.
- Soothe: To reduce pain or discomfort in any part of the body.
- Assuage: To minimise something.
- Opaque: Not transparent or not clear.
- Malevolent: having or showing desires to harm others.
- Rancour: bitterness or resentfulness especially for a long time.
- Play devil’s advocate: To take a position or argue a point of view that is contrary to one’s beliefs or opinion.
- Creviced: Fissure; crack or split.
- Bed of roses: To describe a situation or circumstance that is comfortable, easy or pleasant.
- Hot potato: A sensitive or controversial situation that is difficult to handle and causes discomfort.
- Cognizant: Awareness.
- Paraphernalia: A collection of objects or equipment that are used for a particular job or activity.
- Baulk: do not want to do or agree to something because it seems too difficult; discouraged to do something.
- Fustian: Arrogant.
- Unpretentious: Modest; simple.
- Evocation: Reminder.
- Retreat: To move backwards.
- Retart: To start again.
- Akin to: Similar to something.
- Brittle: Weak or fragile.
- Debilitated: weakened; lacking strength or vitality.
- Decrepit: weakened by age or in the stage of disrepair.
- Rankle: To make someone annoyed or angry for a long time.
- Fester: It conveys negative feelings like putrid or offensive smell, decay, wound or sore
- Vindictive: A person who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him.
- Vengeance: an act of taking revenge.
- Usurer: A person who lends money unreasonably high rates of interest.
- Virulent: Bitterly hostile.
- Denude: To open, expose or strip something.
- Through thick and thin: In good times and in bad times.
- Blessing in disguise: Something that seems bad or unlucky first, but results in something good happening later.
- Unbiased: objective.
- Enervated: Weaken or exhausted.
- Imprint: Means mark or impression made by pressing something onto a surface.
- Hoarse: harsh or rough voice.
- Shuttle: To move forward or back frequently; आगे-पीछे चलाना-फिराना.
- Grapple: To struggle with someone or something.
- Rupture: To break or burst suddenly.
- Carp: To complain or find fault constantly about trivial matters.
- Demure: raise objections or show reluctance to do something.
- Exuberance: adequate or overflowing energy or enthusiasm.
- Passed down: To transfer something like information or an object to someone else.
- Passed out: It means something losing consciousness or fainting; distributing or handing out something.
- Speaks his mind: To express one’s honest or direct opinion or thoughts.
- Narrate: To tell a story or give an account of something.
- Make a big fuss about a small problem: To make a trivial matter or problem bigger.
- Whip: An official of a political party is appointed to maintain discipline among its members and ensure their attendance and voting debates.
- Leash: To control.
- Rein: Control.
- Assent: Official permit.
- Consent: Agreed to permit.
- Accede: Accept someone’s demands.
- Consonance: Harmony.
- Concede: To deny initially and agree later.
- Faction: Small organised groups within a larger group, often in disagreement with the main body.
- Regime: Government.
- Aptly: Conveniently.
- Barbaric: Extremely brutal or cruel.
- Ruefully: Expressing sorrow or regret.
- Averting: To prevent or avoid.
- Vert/Verse: Turn.
- Resurgence: A revival or renewal.
- Metamorphosed: Transformed or changed completely.
- Pernicious: Having harmful effects.
- Nic(root): Harm.
- Copout: To avoid something, a way out.
- Holistic: Considering the whole rather than parts.
- Latent: Hidden.
- Assailants: Attackers.
- Dorm: Hostel or sleeping place.
- Gleefully: Happy.
- Afflictions: Conditions of pain, suffering, or distress; troubles.
- Oneness: The state of being unified or forming a complete whole.
- Delude: To deceive or mislead; to give a false impression.
- Catharsis: The process of releasing emotions, tension etc.
- Homage: A tribute or acknowledgement, often in the form of ceremony or gesture.
- Tribute: श्रद्धांजलि
- Status quo: The existing state of affairs, especially in social or political context.
- Incumbent: Necessary as a duty or responsibility; currently holding a particular office.
- Referendum: A general vote by the electorate on a single political question जनमत संग्रह
- Tapestry: A thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving coloured threads.
- Domino: A small flat rectangular block, the face of which is divided into halves each either blank or bearing dots.
- Sublime: Excellency.
- Agnosticism: A belief that the existence of God is unknown or unknowable.
- Blasphemy: Disrespectful behaviour towards anything considered sacred or religious.
- Pantheism: A Belief that everything in the universe is divine and interconnected.
- Theism: A Belief in God.
- Forsake: To abandon something.
- Deplore: Strongly disapprove or condemn something.
- Embezzle: Steal or misappropriate funds; हड़प लेना.
- Forfeit: To lose or give something as a penalty.
- Mutineer: Sedition; विद्रोहि
- Greased lightning: Something that is incredibly fast. Eg- natural current, fastest car.
- A man’s straw: To show weak character.
- Bite the bullet: To face difficult problems.
- Draconian law: That law which is very severe and not pleasing for the people.
- Sword of Damocles: Probably the worst thing is going to happen.
- Par for the course: Something that is expected to happen either you want or not.
- Censured: Too criticised.
- Censored: Dispute scene of a movie.
- Take on: To face each other.
- Take Upon: When someone holds office.
- Smoked salmon: Species of fishes.
- Solitary: Lonely.
- Vet: पशु चिकित्सक
- Sequestered: Desolate
- Vent: Pore.
- Rigour: firmness, rigidity.
- Abhor: Contempt.
- Tussle: Khurafat.
- Indignant: Showing or feeling anger or annoyance.
- Indulgent: Lenient with someone or something.
- Belligerent: Antagonistic: showing active opposition or hostility.
- Dandy: रंगीन मिजाज
- Stampede: A sudden rush of frightened people or animals.
- Lunacy: A state of being lunatic.
- Scapegoat: बलि का बकरा
- Cost an arm and a leg: Very expensive.
- Amaxophobia: Fear riding in a car.
- Concomitant: Naturally associated with.
- Coalescence: एकीकरण; collaboration.
- Complaisance: Courteousness.
- Heirloom: a valuable object that belongs to family or several generations.
- Patent: Sole right to make and sell some invention.
- Juxtapose: To compare; to confront.
- Circumlocution: A roundabout way of speaking.
- Coercion: Pressure; Rape; outrage.
- Concentric: Thick; Dense; Strong.
- Irresolute: Showing or feeling hesitancy or uncertainty; vacillate.
- Frown: To show you are angry; serious.
- Frost: The weather condition when the temperature falls below the zero celsius.
- Philistine: Uneducated; one who does not care for art and literature.
- Squandered: A person who wastes his money or opportunities.
- Dissipate: Gradually disappear or waste.
- Immodest: Having too high an opinion of yourself.
- Timid: Shy and nervous: not much confidence; too frightened.
- Bashful: Timid; डरपोक
- Outgoing: Friendly and energetic.
- Credible: That can be believed.
- Credulous: Ready to believe, specially on slight or uncertain evidence.
- Emlamb: To protect from decay or oblivion.
- Oblivion: An act of forgetting something.
- Anoint: To choose someone to do a particular job; coronation.
- Consecrate: Holy; reputed.
- Every cloud has a silver lining: Every difficult or sad situation has a comforting or more hopeful aspect, even this may not be immediately apparent.
- Reservoir: Supply or source of something.
- Serenity: A state of being calm; peaceful.
- Insight: Capacity to gain accurate and deep understanding of something or someone.
- Endorse: Advocate.
- Ample: Sufficient.
- Ask about: To ask for information about someone, especially about her/his wealth.
- Ask around: To talk with different people in order to find out something.
- Ask out: Ask someone out on a date.
- Ask for: मंगना
- Domes: गुंबद
- Rotundas: A circular building of domes.
- Baroques: A style of art, music or architecture from the late 16th to the mid-18th century.
- Adobe: A type of clay used to make bricks that are dried in the sun; residence or places.
- Pervasive: Means something that is present in all parts of something.
- Ubiquitous: Very commonly.
- Cold Turkey: To suddenly stop a bad habit or addiction.
- Counterfeit: Not genuine, but copied so that it looks like a real one.
- Staunch: Loyal.
- Apprehension: Anxiety; Doubt.
- Sluggish: Means moving or acting slowly with lower energy and enthusiasm.
- Budding: Developing or growing, especially a plant.
- Immaculate: A person who is pure and clean.
- Relinquish: Renounce; Deserts; Abandon; sacrifice; Abdicate.
- Yen: is the currency of Japan.
- Lira: Is the currency of Turkey.
- Legit: Legal.
- Misogamist: One who hates the institution of marriage.
- Coquette: It refers to the woman who flirts with men to gain attention.
- Pedantic: It refers to the man who is concerned with minor details and rules.
- Let sleeping dogs lie: Stop discussing an issue.
- Get off to sleep: Manage to fall asleep.
- Sleep tight: Sleep well.
- Bonsai: Small tree which grows in a pot and it is not allowed to grow to its normal height.
- Foster: To help or encourage the development of something.
- Cantankerous: झगड़ालू
- Tame: An ordinary or simple person.
- Requisite: Necessary or required.
- Gratuitous: optional not required anymore.
- Resentment: Irritation.
- In the shade: To be inferior to someone or something.
- Implacable: heartless.
- Tardy: Late.
- Herein: Text or book.
- Descendant: वंशज
- Conviction: Firmly believed in your opinion or something.
- Bequeath: Leave something to a person, especially property; वसीयत में देना.
- Bestow: To provide.
- Entrust: To handover something to someone.
- Impart: To give.
- Topsy–turvy: घपला
- Manicure: गोबर की खाद डालना.
- Swaying fronds: लहराते हुए पत्ते
- Beckoned: इशारे से बुलाना
- Peep: to come into view; glance; झांकना.
- Attire: पहनावा
- Depicting: To describe.
- Specks: कलंक
- Awe: Fear.
- Anatomy: Study of body structure.
- Penance: तपस्या
- Lucrative: Profitable.
- Once bitten, twice shy: First unpleasant experience makes a person shy or cautious when dealing with the same thing again.
- Wretched: मनहूस
- Rammed: Collide with someone or something.
- Perennial: Means lasting or existing for a long time.
- Ephemeral: Lasting for a short time.
- Means to and end: An activity or process is done in order to accomplish the goal.
- Cat’s whiskers: To be highly impressive.
- Animist: A believer in supernatural power that organises and animates the material universe.
- Reminisce: Indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events.
- Indigenous: स्वदेशी
- Cut the mustard: To succeed.
- Best thing since sliced bread: Most useful innovation in a long time.
- Off the cuff: Without preparation.
- Scrape the barrel: To use one’s last and the weakest resource.
- Dime a dozen: Something that is very common and easily found.
- Wax: Means to increase or grow.
- Wane: Means gradually decrease in size.
- Wax and Wane: It is an idiomatic expression that refers to the alternative pattern of growth and decline.
- Cane: It is a stick that is used to help somebody walk.
- Obtuse: Means stupid or slow to understand.
- Obese: Very fat or overweight.
- Banal: Lacking in originality, boring or uninteresting.
- Analogy: Similarity between two things.
- Astute: Very clever, good at judging people or situations.
- Amalgamation: Process of combining or uniting multiple things into one.
- Against the wall: Be in a difficult situation from which escape is not easy.
- Profane: Showing disrespect for something sacred or religious.
- Sophisticated: Something that is refined, cultured, or advanced in terms of knowledge, technology or design.
- Effervescent: Lively and bubbly.
- Subdued: Quiet and restrained.
- Interlaced: Interlinked.
- Harangue: A lengthy and aggressive speech.
- Disposed of: Get rid of or throw away something.
- To pump the prime: Encourage the growth or action of something.
- Wholesome: Healthy or beneficial
- Bloom. To produce flowers or come into full development.
- Inebriated: Intoxicated or drunk.
- Simonish: Polish a motor vehicle.
- Pony: Pay a sum of money especially, as a contribution or unavoidable expenses.
- Pocked: Marked with small hollows.
- Spurious: Fake or not genuine.
- Intriguing: Fascinating; interesting or curious.
- Bad Iron: Bad luck.
- No steam: It refers to a lack of energy or motivation especially, in relation to work.
- Teeming: Be full or overflow with something.
- Derogatory: Showing disrespect or criticism.
- Insolent: Lack of respect or being rude.
- Walking in air: Extremely happy.
- Walking on eggshells: To be very curious or careful in one’s actions or words, usually because of tense or sensitive situations.
- Waiting in wings: To be ready and waiting for an opportunity to take action or step forward.
- Walking in the lion’s den: Willingly enter a dangerous or challenging situation.
- Shoal: A large number of fish swimming together.
- Sheaf: Bundle of grain or stalks of plants.
- Eloquent: Quality of fluently speaking or writing.
- Litter: Group of young animals born to the same mother, usually used for cats or dogs.
- Pack: Group of wild animals like wolves or dogs.
- Ignition: The process of starting fire or combustion.
- Copulate: Engage in sexual intercourse.
- On the rampage: Behave violently or destructively.
- Strolled on the rampage: leisurely walk.
- Recuperate: Recover from the illness or injury.
- Lacerate: To tear or cut deeply especially, flesh or skin.
- Samaritan: A person who helps and sympathy who need it.
- Stricken: Injured.
- Wields: Power.
- Chisel: छेनी
- Solace: सांत्वना
- Defy: Contradiction.
- Imposter: A person who dishonestly pretends to be someone else in order to deceive.
- Imbecile: Fool; Stupid.
- Hapless: Means unlucky or unfortunate.
- Distasteful: Not good in taste.
- Waver: Dangling.
- Vacillate: To keep changing your opinion or ideas about something, especially to annoy other people.
- Ribald: Noughty.
- Evasive: Answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear, especially because you do not want to be honest.
- Fallible: Able or likely to make mistakes.
- Ascetic: One who leads a normal life.
- Bohemian: Unconventional style of living.
- Cacographer: one who is bad in spellings.
- Arbitrator: A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute.
- Envoy: Ambassador.
- Exile: Desh nikala.
- Inauguration: Udhghatan.
- Beacon: Light.
- Prevalence: Spreading, diffusion.
- Imitate: To copy to someone.
- Demented: Bawalaa.
- Befuddled: Madhosh ho jana.
- Senile: Budhape ke karan sathiya jana.
- A bolt from the blue: A complete surprise.
- A house of cards: An insecure, weak arrangement.
- Took after: Similar to.
- Hold water: Sound logical fact.
- Remedy: Treatment.
- Matinee: Afternoon theatrical or musical performance.
- Impiety: Lack of respect especially to God or religion.
- Obliterate: To delete.
- On account of: Because of.
- Alms: Donation.
- Irrevocable: Something that cannot be changed.
- Heretic: The person who acts against religion.
- Deserts: Renounce.
- Credulous: Which can be easily believed.
- Heredity: Vanshagati.
- Persistent: Stubborn.
- To coat with zinc: galvanise; motivate; encourage.
- Feat: Success.
- Do unto others as you would have them do you: If you want something from others then you will have to do as other wants.
- Add insult to injury: Jale per namak chirakana.
- Barking up the wrong tree: Where you should not work hard there you do.
- It takes one to know one: If you want to know someone’s thoughts then you have to think like him/her.
- Cost an arm and a leg: Very costly.
- Look before you leap: Consider before doing something.
- Saving for the rainy day: To save money or something for your difficult days.
- Rain on someone’s parade: To do something that spoils someone’s plan.
- By the skin of his teeth: Narrowly.
- Take a rain check: When you politely decline someone’s offer but have a consideration about this in future.
- Take it with a grain/pinch of salt: When you do not completely trust something or someone.
- The devil is in the details: When you get deeply into something to understand it.
- Break a leg: Good luck mostly used for theatrical (Actor, singer Dancer etc.)
- Easy does it: Advise someone to do a task carefully.
- Lethargy: Laziness.
- Seethe: flowing liquid.
- Plumb: To supply a building or a device with the water pipes.
- Plunder: The action of stealing something from people or places especially during war or fighting: the goods that are stolen.
- Predation: Means the action of attacking or plundering.
- Sabotage: Damage that is done on purpose and secretly in order to prevent an enemy or a competitor being successful.
- Bigot: A person who has a narrow and prejudiced religious view; कट्टर.
- Diplomat: An official who represents his/her country in a foreign country.
- Reckless: Careless.
- Hasty: Done too quickly.
- Yellow streak: Act in a cowardly way and not be very brave.
- Morbid: Showing interest in unpleasant things for example disease and death.
- Horrid: very unpleasant or unkind.
- Salient: Very/Most important or noticeable.
- Navigable: Used about a river or narrow area of sea that boats can sail along.
- Telepathy: Power of reading thoughts of others.
- Intuitive: Easy to understand.
- Instinct: Natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking.
- Ransacked: Todfod.
- Occupied: Reserved.
- Preoccupied with: Bechaini ke sath.
- Preoccupied to: Ke liye vyakool.
- Sordid: Ghinauna.
- Substantial: Adequate/sufficient.
- Sweeping changes: Amool chul parivartan.
- Culminating point: Peak point.
- Cradle: Paalna.
- Ecclesiastical: Related to the church.
- Stained glass: Coloured glass.
- Daunt: To press.
- Obesity: Fatness.
- Aviation: Hawabazi.
- Fatigue: Tiredness.
- Aisle: Galiyaara.
- Funeral: Maiyyat.
- Induce: To motivate or encourage.