All In One-Part-02

  1. Harrowing: Something that makes you very upset because you are very shocked or frightened.(शोकजनक)
  2. scanty: something that is small or insufficient.(अल्प)
  3. Carry out: Means put something in action.(कार्यान्वित करना)
  4. To breast the tape: To win a race.
  5. Creak: crack.(चरमराहट)
  6. Deterioration: decay or depletion.(खराब होना)
  7. Crumbled: break or fall apart into small fragments, especially in the process of deterioration.(टूट गया)
  8. Snapped: break suddenly and completely, especially with sharp cracking sound.
  9. Put up with: It means tolerate or endure someone.
  10. A gust of wind: a strong increase in wind speed.
  11. A street circuit: it is a race course on streets of its host city rather than a race circuit specifically built for racing.
  12. Winding: it describes a road with a series of bends and curves.(घुमावदार)
  13. Maverick: A person who does not think like others or is independent and having unusual opinions.(आवारा)
  14. Ordeal: A difficult and painful experience.(कठिन परीक्षा)
  15. Escapade: Adventure.(हरकत)
  16. Exertion: physical or mental effort.(तनाव)
  17. Penned: An act of writing or composing a book, documents or a piece of literature.(लेखबद्ध करना)
  18. Repulsion: A feeling of very strong dislike of something.(घृणा)
  19. complacence: A feeling of calm and satisfaction.(प्रसन्नता)
  20. Invigorate: means give energy or strengths to something.(सबल बनाना)
  21. Overweening: showing excessive confidence or pride. (आत्माभिमानी)
  22. Diffident: Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence.(संकोच)
  23. Munificent: generous.(उदार)
  24. Colossal: Something that is very large or great in size.(विशाल)
  25. Pulverise: To grind or crush something into fine particles.(चूर-चूर करना)
  26. Inveigle: To persuade someone in a clever or sneaky way especially by using flattery or deceit.(लुभाना)
  27. Wheedle: To persuade someone by using flattery or deceit.(चापलूसी से मना लेना)
  28. Cajole: To persuade someone by being kind or flattering.(बहलाना)
  29. Dissuade: To persuade someone not to do something.(मना करना)
  30. Bark: Outer protective layer of a tree.
  31. Shrub: A small bush. (झाड़ी)
  32. Rind: A thick hard skin outer side of fruit, tree, meat, etc. (छिलका)
  33. Peel: to take the skin off a fruit or vegetable. (छीलना)
  34. Testament: something that serves as a sign of evidence of a specific fact, event or quality; proof. (गवाह/सबूत)
  35. Unyielding: completely unwilling to change one’s decision, opinion or demand, etc. (अटल)
  36. Dream about or dream of something: To think about something that you want eagerly.
  37. Austere: Very simple, whit only the things that are really necessary, especially because of severe limits on money or food.(सीधा-सादा)
  38. Clement: A person who is inclined to be merciful, lenient, pleasant or not severe.(मेहरबान)
  39. The thin end of the wedge: Start of harmful development.
  40. Promise the Earth: Promise Impossible.
  41. Hanker: Feel strong desire for or to do something.(लालायित होना)
  42. Veneration: Great respect.(आदर करना)
  43. Overwhelming: Something that is difficult to fight against.(अपरिहार्य)
  44. Beside oneself: Feeling overwhelming fear or worry.
  45. Didactic: A person who is intended to teach people something, especially moral things.(उपदेशात्मक)
  46. Desiccated: something that has lost all its moisture that was in it.(निर्जलीकृत)
  47. Desultory: Something that is being done in an unplanned or disorganized way and without enthusiasm.(अनियमित)
  48. Colloquial: Means a language that is used in ordinary or familiar conversation.(बोलचाल की भाषा)
  49. Prosody: The pattern of rhythm and sound in poetry.(छंद-विद्या)
  50. Aspiration: something that you hope to achieve.(आकांक्षा)
  51. Jaded: a feeling of being bored, lacking enthusiasm.(थकाया हुआ)
  52. The bigger, the better: Something that is larger in size or higher quantity, intensity especially considered as valuable things.
  53. Perspicuous: something that can be seen or noticed. (स्पष्ट)
  54. Nebulous: Something that is unclear or vague. (अस्पष्ट)
  55. Murky: Unclear; vague.(धुंधला)
  56. Complacent: Feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder.(संतुष्ट)
  57. Bounty: A large amount of something, especially food or sum of money, especially for reward. (इनाम)
  58. Scorn: A strong feeling of no respect for someone or something.(घिन आना)
  59. Blight: something that spoils or has bad effect on something, often for a long time.(नुक़सान)
  60. Avarice: A very strong desire to obtain or keep wealth or money; Greed.(लोभ)
  61. Purview: a limit of someone’s responsibility, interest or activity.(कार्यक्षेत्र)
  62. Stricture: A statement of severe criticism or disapproval.(निंदा)
  63. Amenities: a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.(सुविधाएं)
  64. By dint of: By means.(के ज़रिये)
  65. Vindicate: Exonerate.(साबित कर देना)
  66. Banish: to send someone away from a country; to exile or force someone to leave (निकाल देना)
  67. Ineffable: Something that can’t be described, especially so much emotion or pleasure.(अवर्णनीय)
  68. keep track of: To maintain a record.
  69. Borrow a leaf out of: To do the same thing as someone did.
  70. Drop in: To make a casual or informal visit to a person or place.
  71. Draw a blank: To fail to get an answer or result.
  72. Parity: a state of being equal.(अनुरूपता)
  73. Dissimilitude: Means diversity.(विभिन्नता)
  74. Supersede: to replace something, especially that is very old-fashioned.(हटा देना)
  75. Superficial: Something that is not important or on the surface.(सतही)
  76. Supercilious: behaving as if you are better than other people and that their opinions, ideas or beliefs are not important.(घमंडी)
  77. Ricochet: Fly away from a surface after hitting it.((उछलना)
  78. Evangelism: Sincere support of a particular cause.(किस विशेष कारन का समर्थन करना)
  79. Vendetta: a long and violent argument between people or family, in which one group tries to harm other in order to punish them for things that happened in the past.(प्रतिशोध)
  80. Idiocy: Extremely stupid behaviour.(मूर्खता)
  81. Prevail: to get control or influence.(प्रबल होना)
  82. Debonair: confident, stylish, and charming.(ख़ुशमिज़ाज)
  83. Stalemate: an argument or disagreement that is impossible to settle.(गतिरोध)
  84. Exculpate: Prove someone that he is not guilty of something.(सफ़ाई देना)
  85. Not a spark of decency: No manners.
  86. Bollix: make a mess of, or muddle.
  87. Abrogate: to end a law, agreement or custom formally.( रद्द करना)
  88. Illustrious: someone who is famous, admired and well respected.(प्रसिद्ध/शानदार)
  89. Mediocre: Not very good.(औसत दर्जे का)
  90. On the first water: Of the best quality.
  91. Out on a limb: Do something risky.
  92. Expel: to force someone to leave an organisation, school or country.(निष्कासित)
  93. Moot: to suggest something for discussion; arguable.(विवादास्पद)
  94. Ascent: Slope(ढाल)
  95. Ascend: To move up or climbing something.(चढ़ना)
  96. An ass’s shadow: quarreled over trivial matter.
  97. Wrangled: Means debate.(झगड़ा हुआ)
  98. All hat and no cattle: One who is full of big talk but lacks substance and action.
  99. Connoisseur: A person who has expertise in a particular field.(विशेषज्ञ)
  100. Libertine: A person how misuses his liberty(अनैतिक). opposite: Libertarian.(स्वाधीनता का समथर्क)
  101. Eminent: Famous.(प्रख्यात)
  102. Immanent: Omnipresent; intrinsic; natural; innate.(स्थायी)
  103. Imminent: something is about to happen.(सन्निकट)
  104. Rendezvous: A meeting in which time and place are pre-decided.(मिलन स्थल)
  105. Wreath: A decorative ring of flowers and leaves.(माला)
  106. Wreathe: to encircle something.(हार गूँथना)
  107. Loath: Angry; annoyed; reluctant.(अनिच्छुक)
  108. Loathe: To hate or abominate.
  109. Apprise: To inform.(सूचना देना)
  110. To keep your chin up: to stay cheerful and hopeful during difficult time.
  111. Porch: A covered structure in front of the entrance to a building.(बरामदा)
  112. Wanton: when you trouble someone without any reason.(आवारा)
  113. Pungent: Smelling or tasting very strong and sharp.(तीक्ष्ण)
  114. Cue: A word or action in a play or film that is used as signal by a performer to begin saying or doing something.(संकेत)
  115. Recalcitrant: Something that is difficult to control or an act of refusing to follow the instructions.(आज्ञा न माननेवाला)
  116. Nuanced: made slightly different in appearance, meaning or sound.(सूक्ष्म)
  117. Serendipity: Unexpected good fortune.(नसीब)
  118. Faux Pas: Social blunder.
  119. Altercation: a loud argument or disagreement.(तकरार)
  120. Alibi: An evidence that proofs you are innocent or a statement of someone that says you were in different place at the time of a crime so you are not guilt for this crime.(अन्यत्र उपस्थिति)
  121. Precipitous: do something without giving much thought.(शीघ्र)
  122. Indoctrinate: Inculcate.(सिखाना पढ़ाना)
  123. Obsolescent: Outdated.(अप्रचलित)
  124. Quirky: Unusual in an attractive or interesting way.
  125. Behemoth: something that is extremely large and very powerful.
  126. Conglomerate: A large company that several smaller business which products are very different.
  127. Beyond the pale: something that is unacceptable or offensive.
  128. Enviable: something that is someone else has and want eagerly.(लोभ्य)
  129. Armistice: An agreement between two country who are at war that they will stop fighting.(युद्धविराम)
  130. Preclude: means prevent.(रोक देना)
  131. Carn(root word): flesh and body.
  132. Carnage: War killings/accidental killing.(नरसंहार)
  133. Hey-day: In prime period.
  134. Subliminal: Stimulating.(प्रेरणादायक)
  135. Impervious: which can not be penetrated.(न घुसने योग्य)
  136. Bonanza: A time of period in which someone can make lot of profit or be very successful.(सौभाग्य)
  137. Conundrum: A confusing or difficult problem or question.(पहेली)
  138. Palindrome: A word, phrase or sequence that pronounce same backwards as forwards. exp: Madam.(विलोमपद)
  139. Hue: colour.(रंग)
  140. Dexterity: A person who is skilled, especially with hands.(निपुणता)
  141. Long haul: A task that is very difficult to do or get done.
  142. Aground: Stranded. (धरती पर अटका या फंसा हुआ)
  143. Mend: To repair.(सुधार)
  144. To lay someone by the heels: To arrest or imprison someone.
  145. Optician: A person who examines people’s eyes and sells glasses and contact lenses.(प्रकाशविज्ञानशास्री)
  146. Loiter: stand and walk around somewhere for no obvious reason.(आवारा)
  147. Plummeted: fall suddenly and quickly from high level.(गिरावट)
  148. Demeanour: the way a person behaves, acts, dresses, speaks, looks that shows his character is like.(आचरण)
  149. Deportment: A person’s behaviour.(व्यवहार)
  150. To burn the candle at both sides: to overwork.
  151. Humdrum: lacking excitement; prosaic.(नीरस)
  152. Atonement: An action of making amends for the wrongdoing.(प्रायश्चित करना)
  153. Perjury: an act of telling a lie in court.(झूठी गवाही)
  154. Nocturnal: related to the night.(रात्रि संबंधी)
  155. Yearns: extreme desire for something; long.(तरस)
  156. Epileptic: It is a type of disease in which neurons do not function properly. (मिरगी).
  157. Caesar: It is related to roman emperors.(बदशाह).
  158. Sizar: students receiving financial aid in universities.
  159. Worn: damaged because of continuous use.(घिसा हुआ)
  160. Rejoice: feel delighted and happy.(प्रसन्न होना)
  161. Repudiate: Renounce or reject.(परित्याग करना)
  162. To give someone the cold shoulder: To ignore someone.
  163. Rejig: rearrange.(बदलाव)
  164. Antiquated: something old fashioned.(अप्रचलित)
  165. Bibliography: A list of writing books or articles with time and place of publication.(ग्रन्थसूची)
  166. Get my head around: ability to understand something.
  167. Beat something into someone’s head: To teach someone or make someone understand something.
  168. Bite someone’s head off: harshly condemn someone.
  169. Get a head start on something: start early with something.
  170. Procession: A line of people who are walking in religious ceremony or public celebration. (जुलूस)
  171. Cortege: A slow moving line of people at funeral.
  172. Vigil: A person who stays awake especially at night to be with a person who is dying or ill to make protest or to pray. (जागरण/रात की प्रार्थना/जुलूस)
  173. Hearse: A vehicle which carry the body for funeral. (रथ)
  174. Corollary: Result.(परिणाम)
  175. Gingerly: with consideration.(सोच-विचार)
  176. Rashly: without consideration.(अविचारपूर्वक)
  177. Shallow: Not so deep.(छिछला)
  178. Levity: An act of lacking seriousness, especially in serious condition. (छिछोरापन)
  179. Triumvirate: Three powerful people.(तीन व्यक्तियों का राज)
  180. Susceptible: A situation of sensitivity and emotional. (अतिसंवेदनशील)
  181. Perchance: By any chance.(इत्तिफ़ाक से)
  182. Opprobrium: related to harsh criticism or strongly disapproval; reproach.(अपमान)
  183. To have something on the brain: to be obsessed with someone or something.
  184. Not one’s cup of tea: not one’s choice or preference.
  185. Kith and kin: Blood relatives.
  186. Voracious: A person who is very eager for something, especially for a lot of food.(खाऊ)
  187. Avid: eager and enthusiastic.(उत्सुक)
  188. Tutor: A teacher who teaches to the students out side of the school, especially in order to give extra help with subject in which they find difficulty.(अध्यापक)
  189. Quotidian: related to every day.(दैनिक)
  190. Aristocrat: A class of people who are rich or hold high ranks in society. (रईस)
  191. Sharp practice: Dishonest or deceitful behaviour.
  192. Peruse: read or examine carefully.(अवलोकन करना)
  193. Cramped: means feeling or causing someone to feel uncomfortably confined or restricted due to insufficient space.(तंग)
  194. Vicinity: it means in the area of surrounding location.(आस-पास)
  195. Long in the tooth: It is used to describe someone or something that is very old.
  196. To have sweet cravings: It refers to having a desire to eat sweet foods.
  197. Break down: means a machine or vehicle stops working because of a fault
  198. Make out: To understand what is being said.
  199. Brittle: Fragile/नाज़ुक
  200. Unkempt: not properly maintained/मैला
  201. Convulse: To cause a sudden shaking movement in somebody’s body/ऐंठना
  202. Crouched: means bent your knee and lean towards down/झुकना
  203. Quandary: mean uncertainty or perplexity/व्याकुलता
  204. Orient: the countries in the east and southeast Asia.
  205. Steer: To control the direction of a boat or car/रास्ते पर लाना
  206. Archfoe: Something that is hostile or exaggerated/विरोधी
  207. Emulator: A person that copies the behaviour of another person/नकलची
  208. Wink: It is a type of body’s gestures which is used for flirting or joking/आँख मारना
  209. Nod: you move your head up and down to show agreement/सिर हिलाकर सहमति देना
  210. Frenzy: craziness or very excited/उन्माद
  211. Poise: a state of being calm and composed or balanced/संतुलन
  212. Equanimity: being calm, especially in difficult situation/गम्भीरता
  213. Gruelling: something that makes you very tired or cause difficulty for you; an act of punishing/कठिन दंड
  214. Rule the roost: To be in charge.
  215. Fading: Means losing brightness, colour, or strength/मंद होना
  216. Sprouting: Means grow or develop/अंकुरित
  217. Plight: Difficult or unfortunate situation; Predicament/दुर्दशा
  218. Eulogia: Extol or praise.
  219. Harkening: listening attentively/सुनना
  220. Numbed: Sensation of loss or absence of feeling/सुन्न कर दिया
  221. Mourn: express sorrow or grief/विलाप
  222. Aneurysm: A swollen area in the wall of an artery or vein caused by disease or weakening of the blood vessel wall.
  223. Cue: Hint or a signal for someone to do something/इशारा
  224. Vane: large blade of a big fan.
  225. Acclaim: praise/जय-जयकार करना
  226. Maestro: A great or distinguished figure in any area or master/कलाकार
  227. Accomplice: A person who helps someone’s criminal activities/अपराध का साथी
  228. Accolades: An award for special honour/पुरस्कार
  229. Expositions: A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory/प्रतिपादन
  230. Humdrum: Lacking excitement or variety; boringly monotonous/नीरस
  231. Interweave: To weave; embrace together/एक दूसरे से लिपटना
  232. Bereft: Deprived of; lacking something/दीवाना
  233. Rookery: crow; deceiver; cheat; a colony of breeding animals/धोखेबाज़/कौआ
  234. Gift of the gab: Fluency of speech.
  235. Exhort: To address; to give advice; to understand/समझाना
  236. Benevolent: Generous/परोपकारी
  237. Somber: Dark and dull in colour or tone; gloomy/निराशाजनक
  238. Anthropology: Study of human species/मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान
  239. Anthology: Study of literary works such as poems, letters etc./पद्यावली
  240. Seer: An ability to see the future/भविष्यद्रष्टा      
  241. Subterfuges: Fraud/छल
  242. Ballot: Voting/मतदान
  243. Cereal: Grain/अनाज
  244. Slumped: Embrace/संमिलित करना
  245. Rescinds: To cancel/रद्द कर देना
  246. Relics: Remnant/अवशेष    
  247. Tulips: गुलदस्ता.          
  248. Preclude: To stop/बंद करना
  249. Culprit: Criminal/अपराधी
  250. Prevalent: Popular/प्रचलित
  251. Rave: to lose control over mind/पागल होना
  252. Poise: To keep balance/संतुलन
  253. Radical: Fundamental/मौलिक
  254. Rogue state: A nation that is considered as very dangerous to another nation/दुष्ट राज्य
  255. Tumultuous: Something that is uncertain; full of confusion/उतार-चढ़ाव भरे  
  256. Epochs: Era/युग
  257. Deterring: Scared/भयभीत  
  258. Amplitude: Dimension/आयाम
  259. To loom over: To be appeared before someone in a threatening in way/मंडरा रहा है
  260. Rampant: Something that is out of control/अनियंत्रित
  261. Divested: To take; snatch/छीनना/ले लेना      
  262. Entanglement: In a weak situation or in relationship that is difficult to escape/नाज़ुक हालत; उलझनों.         
  263. Impunity: to exonerate someone/दण्ड मुक्ति
  264. Dodged: To postpone something.
  265. Withheld: A stoppage on something.पर रोक लगाई
  266. Probity: Honesty.        
  267. Interpretation: Explanation.
  268. Perpetrators: Criminals.
  269. Spurts: उछाल         
  270. Smearing: लीपना          
  271. Bare: Nude.
  272. Chinks: झनझनाहट            
  273. Garnering: To collect.  
  274. Solidarity: Unity.
  275. Ceding: Hand over
  276. Aversion: Hate, strong dislike.
  277. Spar: To fight.
  278. Inmate: prisoner.
  279. Embargo: An act of restriction of something or someone.
  280. Mulling: To consider.     
  281. Discrepancies: Difference.
  282. Stemming: Rise.   
  283. Whopping: Repairing; beating; heavy. 
  284. Reckon: Believe; count; guess.  
  285. Detained: हिरासत में लिया       
  286. Defied: Challenging.
  287. Bodes: To predict the future , especially for good things.
  288. Borough: city; town.
  289. Degraded: being insulted.    
  290. Turnout: To be present.     
  291. Embroiled: Controversy.
  292. Prima facie: At first sight. 
  293. Expunge: To delete.
  294. Stir up a hornet’s nest: something that is difficult to control and can lead to many problems.
  295. Convalescence: Gradual recovery of health and strength.
  296. Rejuvenation: A process of making something look or feel younger, more lively.
  297. Benefaction: A charitable act or gift.
  298. Nefarious: A wicked or criminal.
  299. Pious: A righteous person; devoutly religious and holy.
  300. Envious: jealous.
  301. Perfidious: Deceitful or untrustworthy.
  302. Aviary: A large cage or place where birds are kept.
  303. Burrow: small hole or tunnel dug by small animals like rabbits or a fox.
  304. Dormitory: A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.
  305. Jump the gun: Do something too soon, before the appropriate time.
  306. Shook a leg: Dance or move quickly.
  307. As swift as an eagle: something that is very fast or efficient.
  308. Test the water: try something out before committing fully.
  309. Cruse: A small container to hold the water.
  310. Swindle: cheat or deceive someone in order to get money or something else of value.
  311. Sever: Cut or separate something from its main body.
  312. Ramify: Cut or divide into smaller parts.
  313. Plutocracy: A government or society governed by wealthiest people.
  314. Theocracy: A society governed by religion or God.
  315. Clandestine: Keep secret or being done something secretly; Sneaky.
  316. Sneaky: A person who is flatterer; miser; timid or mysterious.
  317. Eerie: Frightening.
  318. Take the wind out my sails: To discourage or demotivate someone.
  319. Hooliganism: Rowdy, violent behaviour in public places.
  320. Plagiarism: stealing someone else’s work and submitting it as your own.
  321. Fawn: young deer.
  322. Off the charts: Beyond expectation.
  323. Move heaven and earth: to make extraordinary effort or to do every possible thing to accomplish something.
  324. Have a feet of clay: to describe a person who has hidden weakness or flaw despite appearing strong or admirable on the surface.
  325. Set upon: To attack.
  326. Tremulous: Shaking slightly because of fear or nervousness; trembling.
  327. Intrinsic: extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing.
  328. Chew the fat: chat in a leisurely or prolonged way.
  329. Cope: To face.
  330. Discourse: written or spoken communication or debate.
  331. Indict: accuse someone officially of a crime.
  332. Arcane: related to secret or mysterious information.
  333. Voodoo: जादू टोना.
  334. Hobson’s choice: to accept or leave the offer.
  335. Dormant: Rampant; fierce, aggressive.
  336. Patent: Having great power or influence.
  337. Couchant: an animal in the state of sleeping.
  338. Prostrate: Beaten.
  339. Hand in glove: very close.
  340. Eat everyone salt’s: to be someone’s guest.
  341. Carrot and stick: Reward and punishment policy.
  342. Rout: To defeat an opponent completely.
  343. Abnegation: an act of rejection or sacrifice.
  344. Epilogue: a short speech of the player at the end of the play.
  345. Putrefying: सड़न पैदा करने वाला.
  346. Carron: dead and putrefying place.
  347. Soaked: wet.
  348. Damp: Slightly wet.
  349. Exodus: Departure from home.
  350. Bustle: be quickly; scuttle.
  351. Clog: To stop; dirty.
  352. Cumber: hinder.
  353. Bipolar: extremely health conditions including depression.
  354. Casserole: A pot in which meals are cooked.पकाने का बरतन
  355. Huffy: angry and offended.
  356. Overstep the mark: to upset someone by doing or saying beyond the limit.
  357. Get a toehold: to begin a relationship with a person or company.
  358. Get off one something: To enjoy.
  359. To get someone’s drift: to understand what someone has said.
  360. Impoverished: very poor.
  361. Cupboard love: To love someone to get or obtain something from the person.
  362. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread: people without good sense or judgement tackle the situation having no hesitation even the wisest people would avoid it.
  363. Nyctophobia: Fear of night or darkness.
  364. Graphophobia: Fear of writing.
  365. Lipophobia: fear of fat.
  366. Swan song: A farewell appearance.
  367. Aural: Related to listening and hearing.
  368. Emend: make corrections and revisions of text. सुधारना
  369. Stingy: Miser. कंजूस
  370. Cessation: an action of ending something. समापन
  371. Resumption: An action of starting something after a pause or interruption. पुनरारंभ
  372. Spreading themselves too many things: means trying to do too many things at once, leading to none being done well.
  373. Flotilla: A small fleet of ships or boats. छोटी नावों का बेड़ा
  374. Dinghy: A small boat used for leisure activities. आमोद-प्रमोद के लिए छोटी नौका
  375. Bush: forest. झाड़ी
  376. Bud: कलि.
  377. Put forth: A biological process where bush processes new growth or fresh buds in spring.
  378. Pew: A long wooden seat with a back for people to sit in a church. गिरजे में बैठने की घिरी हुई जगह
  379. Pulip: A raised platform in the church where priests stand when they are speaking.
  380. To be on a roll:  to be experiencing a successful period.
  381. Acrobat: An entertainer who performs difficult movements of the body like walking or dancing on the rope. कलाबाज़
  382. On tenterhooks: anxious and tense.
  383. Battering: kill; hit; harm. पिटाई
  384. Staggered: Foundering while walking. कंपित
  385. Insatiable: That cannot be satisfied. लालची
  386. Plagiarist: The one who commits literary theft. साहित्यिक चोर
  387. Gazette: newspaper; charter. राज-पत्र
  388. Secluded: private; quiet. तनहा/एकांत.
  389. Far-flung: something that is on distance. दूर दराज.
  390. Importune: to harass or annoy someone. पीछे पड़ जाना.
  391. Beshrew: To curse. सत्यानाश हो
  392. Malinger: pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or work. रोग का बहाना करना
  393. Liaise: To coordinate. संबंध स्थापित करना
  394. Perturbed: anxious. परेशान
  395. Ordain: order. हुक्म देना
  396. Quaint: strange. विचित्र
  397. To cash on: To take an advantage of.
  398. As good as gold: very good behaviour.
  399. Fazed: anxious; distracted. परेशान
  400. Sangfroid: serenity; patient. धीरता
  401. Knack: an ability to do something. कुशलता
  402. Psychic: One has his sixth sense very powerful. अलौकिक
  403. Split hairs: to make petty distinctions.
  404. Excruciating: very painful or embarrassing; acute. कष्टदायी
  405. Endure: to bear something. सहन करना
  406. Soothing: something that relaxes or makes someone feel calm. सुखदायक
  407. Count to:  rely or depend on someone.
  408. Fed up with: तंग आ जाना.
  409. Fidget: nervous; anxious. विकल होना
  410. Jack of all trades: who is skilled in many things.
  411. Ouster: expulsion; निकाल देना.
  412. Hearty: adequate.
  413. Parsimonious: miser. मितव्ययी
  414. Exhume: To dig out something from the ground. पृथ्वी खोद कर निकालना
  415. Tender: soft. नाज़ुक
  416. Mild: Gentle or not harsh in nature. कोमल
  417. Flout: means to break, especially traffic rules. (अवज्ञा)
  418. Sever: means to break. e.g. Sever the tie. जुदा होना
  419. Breach: Breach of privacy, trust or contract. उल्लंघन
  420. Breech: Rear part of something. पीछे का भाग
  421. Dipsomania: one who is addicted to drinking alcohol in excessive amount. शराब की लत या हुड़क
  422. Satyromania: Uncontrolled sexual urge on the part of male.
  423. Nymphomania: uncontrolled sexual urge on the part of female. स्त्रियों का कामोन्‍माद
  424. Kleptomania: It is disease which cause someone having inclination to steal.
  425. Kleptocracy: A system or country ruled by people who use their power to steal their country’s resources. चोरशाही
  426. Lax: Failing to give proper care and attention. बेपरवाह
  427. Hold your horses: Control your emotion.
  428. Boorish: very unpleasant and rude. बेअदब
  429. Garrulous: Excessive talkative especially on trivial matter. बातूनी
  430. Gallant: Heroic or brave. वीर
  431. Galling: Frustrating; annoyance; resentment; exasperating. दुखद
  432. Plum job: easy and pleasure job.
  433. Polemic: disputed speech against someone or somebody. विवादात्मक
  434. Struck several bad patches: Having many professional difficulties.
  435. Malapropism: Unintentional wrong use of words/कुरूपतावाद
  436. Beating up on: To assault or injured someone.
  437. Hand in: To submit.
  438. Shake off: To recover from any disease.
  439. Lose your marbles: Go insane.
  440. To get off on the wrong foot: To start a relationship or activity badly.
  441. Trousseau: The clothes, linen, and other belongings collected by a bride for her marriage/दुलहन का साज सामान
  442. Bridal: Related to bride/वधू का
  443. Bridle: To reign/लगाम
  444. Lament: Mournful/विलाप
  445. Fiasco: Something that goes wrong or is completely failed which was previously planned/असफलता
  446. Diarchy: A state which is ruled by two persons or bodies/द्वैध शासन
  447. Gynarchy: Ruled by women/स्त्री-राज्य
  448. Patriarchy: Ruled by father/पितृसत्ता
  449. Matriarchy: Ruled by mother/मातृतंत्र
  450. Anarchy: A country without government or without rule of law/अराजकता
  451. Deprive: Prevent.
  452. Philatelist: A person who studies or collects stamps.
  453. Hoarder: A person who hoards things.
  454. Intriguing: Unusual, fascinating or interesting.
  455. Mundane: Dull, ordinary.
  456. Feasible: Capable of being done, affected or accomplished (संभव)
  457. Untenable: Not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
  458. To and fro: To move forward and backward.
  459. Convoluted: Extremely complex and difficult to understand or follow.
  460. Exhilarate: Make someone feel very happy, animated or elated.
  461. Cock and bull story: Wildly exaggerated or falsified story.
  462. Alimony: Allowance given to wife from her husband on separation.
  463. Allegory: A poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
  464. Revel: Enjoy, delight.
  465. Affidavit: A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation for use of court as an evidence. शपथ पत्र
  466. Advocacy: वकालत
  467. Nuisance: A person or thing causing trouble or annoyance.
  468. In full swing: Very active.
  469. Cogent: Clear; logical; convincing.
  470. Pertinent: Opposite
  471. Cudgel one’s brain: To think hard.
  472. To provide for: To give something to someone that they need to live such as food, money, clothes, etc.
  473. Overlook: Fail to see or notice something.
  474. Inimical: Harmful to something or make something difficult to happen.
  475. By fits and starts: Without continuous.
  476. The three R’s: The fundamental, basic knowledge or skill of any system or field.
  477. Sanatorium: The place where the people get treatment of their illness.
  478. Fickle: Never fixed on anything, especially comes to trust or loyalty.
  479. Ardent: Passionate about something.
  480. Tragic: Heartbreaking or sad.
  481. Dacoit: डकैत
  482. Ravaged: तबाह
  483. Feud: झगड़ा
  484. Eat humble pie: To apologise humbly.
  485. Cartographer: A person who draws maps.
  486. Abominable: Detestable; घिनौना
  487. Delectable: Delicious and pleasing to taste.
  488. By leaps and bounds: Making rapid progress or growing quickly in a sudden and remarkable way.
  489. Fatalist: The person believes that all the events are predetermined and therefore inevitable.
  490. Fugitive: भगोड़ा
  491. Alliteration: Words that begin with the same letter; अनुप्रास
  492. Gaggle of journalists: Group of journalists.
  493. Gaggle: group.
  494. Ignoble Dishonourable.
  495. Salient: Prominent.
  496. Assail: To attack vigorously or violently.
  497. Sterile: Free from bacteria and microorganism; बाँझ; बंजर
  498. Affluent: having a lot of money.
  499.  Went-pear-shaped: Went terribly wrong.
  500. Extraneous: Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject.


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