All in One

All in One English, in which we will provide every possible meaning of words in easy way.

  1. Road to Damascus: It is an experience you have that you consider to be very important and that changes your life.
  2. Ivory tower: A place or state of mind that is out of touch with the realities or practicalities of the real world. 
  3. Jewel in the crown: A valuable or significant part of something, often referring to the city, region or industry
  4. Aladdin’s cave: A place full of treasures or wonders.
  5. Outbreak: प्रकोप
  6. Furor: Outbreak of public anger or excitement; कोहराम
  7. Chide: Scold.
  8. Given way: टूट जाना 
  9. Given in: मान लेना
  10. Given away: To donate or give something to someone as a gift.
  11. Jeopardise: To put someone or something in a dangerous situation. 
  12. Hippopotamus: A large semi aquatic mammal. It is also known as river horse.
  13. Defamation: The action of damaging the good reputation of someone.
  14. Commute: To convert.
  15. Sticky fingers: Inclination to steal.
  16. Dweller: A person who lives in a city, town, cave.
  17. Rover: A person who spends their time travelling from place to place.
  18. By the horns: To deal with difficult situations in a very direct  and confident way.
  19. Absolutism: निरंकुश राज्य का सिद्धान्त
  20. Interdiction: The act of restricting or refusing something.
  21. Expulsion: The action of forcing someone to leave an organisation.
  22. Bickering: Argue about petty and trivial matters.
  23. To take something at face value: Accept something as it looks without thinking whether it might, in fact, not be quite  what it appears.
  24. Boisterous: Means noisy, cheerful, and energetic.
  25. Quell: वश में करना
  26. Faint mist: हल्की धुंध
  27. Swayed: To cause someone/somebody to move or charge.
  28. Oximeter: It is a device which is used for measuring oxygen level.
  29. Snobbery: The quality of bad manners.
  30. Turn over a new leaf: To begin again.
  31. A fair-weather friend: A selfish friend.
  32. Penniless: A person having no money or poor.
  33. Terse: Concise.
  34. Tenacious: A person who is determined with his opinion or decision.
  35. Loquacious: A person who talks a lot.
  36. Sinhalese: A group of people originally from northern India, now they are people of Sri Lanka.
  37. Sabbatical: A period of paid leave granted to the university teacher for study or travel, traditionally for one year after seven years worked.
  38. Confluence: The junction of two rivers.
  39. Contemplate: To think about something deeply; pondering.
  40. Sigh: Long audible breath that expresses sadness.
  41. Grounded: Suspended for a long time.
  42. Rebuffed: To get rejected suddenly.
  43. Surpassed: To cross over something.
  44. Pay it by ear: To do something without special preparation.
  45. To lend an ear: To listen carefully and sympathetically.
  46. Evaded: Avoiding or escaping something or someone.
  47. Agitation: घबराहट;आंदोलन
  48. Filthy: Muddy.
  49.  Steer clear of: Avoid someone or something because it is dangerous for you.
  50. Futile: Fruitless; no improvement, unsuccessful.
  51. Enriching: Improving or increasing someone’s knowledge, experience or understanding.
  52.  Startling: Causing surprise, alarm.
  53. On cloud nine: Very happy.
  54. Out all our calculations: Beyond all our calculations.
  55. Inculcate: Make somebody learn or remember ideas, habits etc.
  56. Abrogates: The act of prohibiting something.
  57. Entrenched: To be firmly established and difficult to change.
  58. Entrust: To give someone responsibility to do something.
  59. Red tape: Officials rules and bureaucracy that make it difficult to do something.
  60. Apostle: A person who is sent to on mission or person who is an enthusiastic supporter or cause, idea, or principal or A person who encourages to do something.
  61. Absconder: Fugitive.
  62. In black and white: Something that is presented or expressed in written form.
  63. Purportedly: Claimed or believed to be true, but with some doubt or uncertainty.
  64. Entails: Involve something as a necessary or inevitable part of consequences.
  65. Go bankrupt: Unable to pay one’s debt.
  66. Manoeuvre: A movement or series moves requiring skill and care; पैंतरेबाज़ी.
  67. Down the tubes: Failing completely.
  68. Quasi: Partly.
  69. Quaver: थरथराहट
  70. Be up against it: To face a difficult situation or to be in a tough spot.
  71. Cautious: To be vigilant.
  72. Chary: To be cautious or hesitant about doing something.
  73. Fervent: Having or displaying enthusiasm.
  74. Hue and cry: A loud or public outcry or protest against something.
  75. Hand and foot: To provide everything that someone needs or wants.
  76. Whip and spur: With utmost haste.
  77. Utmost haste: To be very quickly. 
  78. Fetus: भ्रूण
  79. Feticide: Destruction or abortion of fetus.
  80. Sororicide: The act of killing one’s sister.
  81. Patricide: The act of killing one’s father.
  82. Matricide: The act of killing one’s mother.
  83. Infer: अनुमान करना
  84. Testify: गवाही देना
  85.  Testimonial: A formal statement testifying to someone’s character and qualifications.
  86. Manuscript: A handwritten or typed document, especially one that contains original text of book, article or piece of literature.
  87. Bedlam: हंगामा
  88. Repulsive: Unpleasant.
  89. Erect: खड़ा करना
  90. Sanguinary: A battle or anything involving or causing much bloodshed.
  91. Pigment: A natural colour.
  92. Perspiration: पसीना आना
  93. Feather: Wing.
  94. Iridescence: Pleasuring.
  95. Hop: The act of jumping.
  96. Allure: लुभाना
  97. Intimidate: To fright or threat someone, often in order to make them do something.
  98. Scoot: To run.
  99. Perched: To sit.
  100. Slipshod: Careless.
  101. Methodical: Done according to the systematic or established procedure.
  102. Evolved: Developed.
  103. Preening: शिकार; It refers to the behaviour of the birds where they use their beaks to clean and arrange their feathers.
  104. Beaks: चोंच
  105. Devouring: Means eating quickly and hungrily.
  106. Flouncing: To move in bouncy or exaggerated manners.
  107. Scintillating: Sparkling or shining brightly.
  108. Catalogue: A list or collection of books or informative graphics.
  109. Bale: A bundle of something that has been compressed, bound or tied together.
  110. Hamlet: A small village.
  111. Slow and steady: Make consistent progress for success.
  112. Pensive: चिंताग्रस्त
  113. Apparent: Clearly visual or understood; obvious.
  114. Incoherent: Not cleared or well organised.
  115. Coop: Is a place where hens are kept, fed and cared for.
  116. Cold feet: To suddenly feel too frightened to do something that you had planned to do or agreed to do.
  117. Lasting: Permanent.
  118. Everlasting: Lasting forever; eternal.
  119. Mislead: गुमराह
  120. Fatuous: Silly and pointless; stupid; foolish.
  121. Acquisition: The act of obtaining something, especially, knowledge, assets or a skill.
  122. Hoodwinked: To deceive or trick someone in order to take advantage of them.
  123. Alleged: To be claimed or accused of of doing something illegal or wrong.
  124.  Covert: Hidden or secret.
  125. Feast one’s eyes : To look at someone or something with great enjoyment or pleasure.
  126. Cold comfort: Very little satisfaction.
  127. Exhibit: publicly display a work of art or item of interest in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.
  128. Evince: Reveal the presence of a quality or feeling; जताना
  129. Livid: Furious.
  130. Pale: फीका
  131. Squawked: To make a loud, harsh noise or to do complain.
  132. Obscene: Dirty.
  133. Immune: Having protection or resistance against something, such as disease and infection.
  134. Susceptible: Weak.
  135. Fragile: Something that can be easily broken.
  136. Flout: Disrespect.
  137. Mock: Ridicule, make fun of, imitate in a derogatory manner.
  138. Meticulous: सूक्ष्म
  139. Ambidextrous: A person who is able to use his both hands equally well.
  140. Sedentary: गतिहीन
  141. Divulge: To disclose or reveal information that was previously secret or unknown.
  142. Revere: To deeply respect or admire someone or something.
  143. Drastically: Enough.
  144. Linger: Lasting for a long time.
  145. Asphyxia: दम घुटना
  146. Alopecia: गंजापन
  147. Anaemia: Lack of red cells in blood.
  148. Make out: Manage with some difficulty to see or hear someone or something.
  149. Obdurate: Rigid.
  150. Callous: Not caring about the feelings or suffering of other people; Rigid.
  151. Waging: To begin and continue a war.
  152. Prophet: पैगंबर.
  153. Recluse: वैरागी.
  154. Emaciated: Very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger.
  155. Withered: Dry and decaying.
  156. Like a cat on a hot brick: To be anxious.
  157. Altar: A place where something  is worshipped or sacrificed.
  158. Epigraphy: The study of inscriptions.
  159. Anthology: A collection of poems, art, music etc.
  160. Autocrat: A person who has undisputed influences or powers.
  161. Foment: To promote the growth or development of something.
  162. Scurrility: Abusing; Insulting; Offending.
  163. Atrocity: Cruelty: Offence.
  164. Godliness: The quality of being religious.
  165. Piety: Devotion to God or religious practices.
  166. Sanguine: Optimistic or positive; Buoyant.
  167. Buoyant: Happy
  168. Pale: Dull; colourless.
  169. Vocalise: Express in words.
  170. Verdant: Lively; green with grass.
  171. Lush: Full of vegetation.
  172. Tyro: Beginner: Amateur.
  173. Cross the bridge when you come to it: Deal with a problem when it arises.
  174. Protagonist: Central character in a story or play.
  175. Emulator: A person or thing that imitates.
  176. Adversary: An enemy or opponent in competition.
  177. Contender: A person or group competing with others to achieve something.
  178. To gird up the loins: To prepare for the hard work.
  179. Bemusing: Puzzle.
  180. Jigging: To move about in an excited or impatient way.
  181. Abducting: To take something from someone illegally.
  182. Hurl: To jump.
  183. Fling: Throw or hurl forcefully.
  184. Flap: If a bird moves its wings ups and down while flying or preparing to fly.
  185. Pragmatic: Realistic.
  186. Malice: The desire to harm someone: ill will.
  187. Hypocrisy: पाखंड
  188. Abrupt: Sudden or unexpected.
  189. Illicit: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
  190. Wary: Chary.
  191. Clandestine: Secrecy.
  192. Invincible: Something that is not able to win.
  193. Inflatable: filled with air or gas.
  194. Indefatigable: someone or something that never gets tired.
  195. Inextricable: Means impossible to separate or disentangle.
  196. Commemorate: To show the honour to memory of an important person or event in a special way.
  197. Ventriloquist: A person, especially, an entertainer who can make their voice appear to come from somewhere else.
  198. Interlocutor: A person who takes part in dialogues or conversation.
  199. Somniloquist: Someone who talks while asleep.
  200.  Soliloquist: the act or custom talking to oneself or talking when alone.
  201. Mischievous: Naughty.
  202. A small mischievous fairy: Elf.
  203. Hostile: Unfriendly.
  204. A wolf in sheep’s clothing: A person or thing that seems to be good but actually not at all.
  205. Flaunting: इतराना
  206. Ambiguous: Not clear; not having an obvious meaning.
  207. Imbibing: Alcoholic or to absorb something especially, information.
  208. Sparse: Less dense or scanty.
  209. Faeces: Waste substances of humans.
  210. Course: Way; curriculum; absolutely; exactly.
  211. Tickle: गुदगुदाना
  212. Over my dead body: Opposing something fiercely.
  213. Yowl: Make a loud; wailing; cry; चिल्लाना
  214. Wailing: Crying.
  215. Prowl: An act of a person or animal moving without getting tired or stealthily in search of prey.
  216. Growl: Make a low or harsh rumbling sound; गुर्राना
  217. Rumbling: गड़गड़ाहट
  218. Kalology: Study of facial beauty.
  219. Gynaecology: Is a medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system.
  220. Cytology: Study of cells as fundamental units of living things.
  221. Neonatology: Study of infants. 
  222. Theology: Related to the study of faith and religion.
  223. The tail is wagging a dog: The smallest or less important of something controlled by more important contents.
  224. Vanguard: follower.
  225. Reminisce: To remind or remember.
  226. Aversion: Strong dislike; Repugnance.
  227. Turned down: To reject something offered or proposed.
  228. Called on: To ask for an answer or opinion.
  229. Memento mori: Remember that you will die.
  230. Scenic: having beautiful scenery.
  231. Idleness: Laziness; indolence.
  232. Insolence: Rude and disrespectful behaviour.
  233. Porter: A person whose job is carrying a suitcase, etc. at railway station or airport.
  234. Jockey: One who rides horses in races.
  235. Sprinter: An athlete who races over a short distance.
  236. Flamboyant: A person acting in a loud, confident way that attracts attention.
  237. Beat hollow: To defeat someone easily and by a large amount.
  238. Vague: Unclear; indefinite.
  239. Remunerative: profitable.
  240. Impenetrable: Impossible to go through or see through.
  241. Immobile: Not able to move or not moving.
  242. Immaterial: Not important.
  243. Be hard up: Have very little money.
  244. Avert: To prevent something unpleasant.
  245. Confront: To think about or make someone to think about or  something that is unpleasant or difficult.
  246. Retaliate: To take revenge.
  247. Facilitate: To make something possible or easier.
  248. Amble: To walk at a slow relaxed speed.
  249.   Sprint: Run a short distance as fast as you can.
  250. Crawl: Move slowly with your body on or close to the ground or your hands and knees.
  251. Slither: To move by sliding from side to side along the ground like a snake.
  252. In the same breath: Say two contradictory things at the same time.
  253. Ostentatious: Expensive or noticeable in a way that is intended to impress other people.
  254. Niggard: Miser.
  255. Clan: Group.
  256. Illegitimate: Used about a child born to parents who are not married to each other.
  257. Encroachment: It means intrusion into someone’s territory or rights etc.
  258. Confiscation: The action of taking or taking someone’s property with authority.
  259. Conducive: It means helping or making something happen.
  260. Subjugate: To defeat someone in order to have command over them.
  261. Gaffe: The person who speaks unintentionally in a public place which creates a funny scene.
  262. Gaff: Metallic rod used for fishing.
  263. Allegations: (आरोप)
  264. Inevitable: Unavoidable.
  265. Owing to: Because of.
  266. Disparity: Jahan barabri na ho.
  267. Connive: To meet someone secretly and make a plan.
  268. Distinguish: To Separate.
  269. Collude: Kisi se santh ganth karna.
  270. Punctilious; Meticulous;Fastidious: A person who takes in depth any matter or subject.
  271. Bland: Restless. 
  272. Insipid: फीका.
  273. Confidant(male); Confidante(female): The person whom you can share your secret.
  274. Obnoxious: Extremely unpleasant.
  275. Venal: Corruptible.
  276. Venial: Pardonable.
  277. Extempore: To give a speech without preparation.
  278. Impromptu:To get a story in your mind  at the spot by showing any picture.
  279. Sow: Beez bonaa.
  280.  Reap: To cut.
  281. Whirlwind: Bawandar.
  282. Condon: To forgive
  283. Clamp: compress, close up.
  284. Intervene: Interfere with.
  285. Menace: Hazard; danger; trouble.
  286. Peddle: Harass; excessive prayer.
  287. Taken off air: To stop broadcasting television or radio programs.
  288. Saccharine: Sugar.
  289. Inevitability: Necessity.
  290. Exude:  पसीजना
  291. Ordained: Canonical ( धर्मवैधानिक)
  292. Exemption: Discount
  293. Sardonic: Where you make fun of others.
  294. More often than not: Generally.
  295. Offspring: Children.
  296. Oddities: Outrageous.
  297. Systemic: Related to system.
  298. Systematic: Theory based
  299. Inquisitive: One who questions a lot.
  300. Receptive: One who follows the instructions.
  301. Infant: Children.
  302. Reticent: One who speaks less or who conceals his feelings.
  303. Laconic: One who talks highly in short words.
  304. Taciturn: One who is not interested in conversation.
  305. Servile: flattering.
  306. Cherished convictions: A belief system which is being transferred generation to generation.
  307. Repugnance: dislike.
  308. Dulcet: Pleasing.
  309. Innocuous: Harmless.
  310. Fervid: Enthusiasm.
  311. Call for: Demand.
  312. Overwhelming: splender, fabulous.
  313. Prostate: Beaten.
  314. Intrepidity: Valour.
  315. Sublimity: A state of peak quality of a person.
  316. Abide: To obey.
  317. Adversity: Unfortunate.
  318. Trivial: Unimportant.
  319. Fortitude: Patient.
  320. Flabbergasted: Surprised.
  321. Call forth: On front.
  322. Crime: Offence against constitutional law.
  323. Vice: Offence against moral law.
  324. Sin: Offence against religious law.
  325. Pearls: मोती, Bead.
  326. Thread: धागा
  327. Contrary: Opposite.
  328. Enormous: Large.
  329. Eureka: Unexpected good fortune.
  330. Voyage on the beagle: Ocean travel.
  331. Fetish: Perception.
  332. Floridity: Words having deep meanings. 
  333. Cranking the dial: Boost up the speed of the car.
  334. Lavish: Splender.
  335. Propensity: Tendency, (प्रवृत्ति)
  336. Redolent: Indicator of something (किसी के महक से किसी और की याद जाए)
  337. Euphemism: To say negative sense words in the right way. (Exp- My grandpa touched the lotus feet.)
  338. Pore: तवाचा छिद्र- Noun,  To sink into something completely – Verb
  339. Founder: Noun- संस्थापक, Verb– faltering (लड़खडना )
  340. Acquit: To forgive or to give bell,  To behave in a certain manner which is expected of you.
  341. Benign personality: Kind personality.
  342. Benign Tumour: Initial sign of cancer.
  343. Placid: Calm.
  344. Placify: To make someone happy.
  345. Egregious: Extremely bad.
  346. Treadmill: Running machine in gym.
  347. Tedious: Exhausted (थकाऊ)
  348. Foresee: To have a vision of what is going to happen in the future.
  349. Despair: Unhappy.
  350. Coup: (तख्तापलट)
  351. Elitist: Apne aap ko baki logon se uncha samajhna.
  352. Fisticuffs: Apne haath ko piche kheechna.
  353. Per se: Itself.
  354. Elicitors: jo jawab nikalwaye.
  355. Illicit: Illegal.
  356. Lunatic fringe: Sanaki.
  357. Proselytising tendency: Dharm ka prachar-prasar karna.
  358. Exaggerated: Aggressive.
  359. Jargons: Technical words.
  360. Boarded up: To close.
  361. Apocryphal: Something whose authenticity is doubtful.
  362. Restraint: Rukawat.
  363. Jingoism: To believe in religion at the superstitious level or extreme form patriotism.
  364. Choultry: Dharamshala.
  365. Pinnacle: Top level.
  366. Flaws: Lack.
  367. Defection: Leave a party in order to join another party.
  368. Perishable foods: Jo khadya padarth sadd jaate hain.
  369. Paucity: lack, reduction, decrease.
  370. Smother: Gala ghotna.
  371. Inwardly focused employee: flatter employees.
  372. Owing to: Because of.
  373. Dustbinisation: To collect unnecessary things a lot.
  374. Fallacy: Mistakes.
  375. Brazzen: Dussahas.
  376. Deterrence: Fear.
  377. Consensus: Aam sahamati.
  378. Haunts: To make someone afraid.
  379. Retain: Make something sustainable.
  380. Grapple: Kisi cheej ko mutthi se pakadna.
  381. Cultural Imperialism: Emerge the other culture in yours.
  382. Keen: curious.
  383. Abate: Reduce the power of something.
  384. Abet: To provoke someone.
  385. Confiscate: to seize.
  386. Assimilates: To understand.
  387. Propensity: Jhukaw.
  388. Takes a heavy toll: Jo bahut gahara prabhaw daale.
  389. Adversely: Buri tarah se.
  390. Perpetration: To commit any criminal activity.
  391. Uninterested: Not interested.
  392. Disinterested: Unbiased.
  393. Saw: lakadi ko katana ya cheerna.
  394. Indignant: Anger.
  395. Penury: Extreme poverty.
  396. Ebullience: Full of energy.
  397. Flamboyance: Stylish lifestyle to attract people.
  398. Gaudy: bhadkila ( positive sense )
  399. Tawdry: Bhdakila ( Negative sense )
  400. Shirker: Kaamchor.
  401. Grotesque: Extremely bad.
  402. Exquisite: Beautiful.
  403. Beatific: Blessful, cheerful.
  404. Cumbersome: Tedious, Torturous.
  405. Rebuke: To scold.
  406. Refute: Disprove.
  407. Revoke: Repeal, abrogate, conceal.
  408. Sumptuously:Lavish buffet.
  409. Voraciously: Passionate.
  410. Spasmodically: Sudden feelings, senses.
  411. Vociferously: Loudness.
  412. Ponder over: Contemplate (manan chintan karna)
  413. Pander: Kisi ke ayyaisi ke kaamon me help karna.
  414. Progeny: Next generation.
  415. Lame: langada.
  416. Avail: To take advantage of.
  417. Remittance: Earning of foreign resources.
  418. Honorarium: Maandeya.
  419. Altogether: Completely.
  420. All together: Ek sath.
  421. Aching: Dukhta hua.
  422. Feeble: Kamjor.
  423. Gauged: measured.
  424. By far: Abhi tak.
  425. So far: Abhi tak.
  426. Inevitable: Unavoidable.
  427. Exigences: Highly urgent.
  428. Pile up: Ek ke uper ek cheej ladi hue hona.
  429. Conformist: Rudhiwadi.
  430. Crunch: Flaws.
  431. Impediments: Restrain.
  432. Explicit: Things that are very clear.
  433. Enticement: Attractive.
  434. Repercussions: Bad effect.
  435. Autonomous: Independent.
  436. Acrimonious: Bitter.
  437. Primordial: Oldest.
  438. Enveloped: Surrounded.
  439. Scum: Darty, Badmash.
  440. Shun: To avoid.
  441. Deft: Skilled.
  442. Daft: Foolish.
  443. Dwindle: To go down.
  444. Direly: Necessarily.
  445. Indispensable: unavoidable.
  446. Patrons: Sanrakshak.
  447. Dismantled: something that has been ended.
  448. Strive: Make great efforts to achieve or gain something.
  449. Artist: Kalakar.
  450. Artiste: Performer (dancer, singer)
  451. Artisan: Karigar (carpenter)
  452. Letter: word.
  453. Letters: Literature.
  454. Subjugate: To defeat someone in order to have command over them.
  455. Guilds: That group which is  specific, professional.
  456. Nut: Fruits.
  457. Oak tree: Baloot ke ped.
  458. Sacred grove: Holly garden.
  459. Heyday: something that is trendy.
  460. Pivotal role: Important role.
  461. Scandal: An action or event regarded as morally or logically wrong that causes general public outrage.
  462.  Raze: To destroy something completely.
  463. Grind: Peesana.
  464. Bid: Boli lagana.
  465. Bid: To allow.
  466. Slay: Kisi ki gala ret kar hatya kar dena.
  467. Slew: Sudden turn of vehicle.
  468. Wring: Paani ko nichoadana.
  469. Femme fatale: Something that is very dangerous for women.
  470. Appal: धमकी देना; To fright someone.
  471. To take after: To be similar in appearance.
  472. Lusty: Vigorous (energetic) , Ex- a lusty youngman.
  473. Prudent: Sensible and careful when you make judgement.
  474. Blighted: Having detrimental effect on something or to ruin.
  475. Confutative: Refute/rebuttal/disprove.
  476. Ravenous: Extremely Hungry.
  477. Ostentatious: Show off.
  478. Blissful: Happy.
  479. Tardiness: Unpunctual.
  480. Illegible: Which is not able to read.
  481. Belligerent: Aggressively hostile.
  482. Recombinant: Recombination.
  483. Coerc: To pressurise someone to do something.
  484. Abdicate: Renounces.
  485. Solicited: To request.
  486. Reprimand: To scold.
  487. Upbraid: To rebuke.
  488. Winnow: Bhusi ko chawal se alag karna
  489. Extol:  To applaud someone.
  490. Malodorous: Bad smell.
  491. Premonition: To feel an accident is going to happen in the future.
  492. Predilection: Jhukaw/Penchant
  493. Defuse: Bomb was defused.
  494. Diffuse: Gasses are defused (बिखरा हुआ).
  495. Subversion: Coup.
  496. Impertinent: गुस्ताख़.
  497. Kaleidoscopic: Mixed pattern.
  498. Supplicant: To request/beseech.
  499. Plaintive: Sad ( plaintive man )


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