All In One-Part-01

  1. Erroneous: Incorrect, Amiss.(ग़लत)
  2. Fluorescent: Something that produces light by using some kind of radiation.(प्रतिदीप्ति)
  3. Acquiescent: ready to accept something without protest.(संतुष्ट)
  4. Agitate: make someone troubled or nervous.(उत्तेजित करना)
  5. Soothe: An act of pacify and making calm to someone or their feelings.(शांत करना)
  6. Plummet: Something that falls or drops at high speed. (ऊँचे स्‍तर या पद से अचानक और तेज़ी से गिरना)
  7. Fondle: to touch or move your hand in a gentle way over someone or something, especially in a sexual way or in order to show love.(पुचकारना)
  8. Rapporteur: A person officially chosen by an organisation to investigate a problem and report on it. (दूत)
  9. Dire: very serious.(भयानक)
  10. Soar: To fly in the air or to rise very fast.(ऊंची उड़ान भरना)
  11. Precarious: Something that is dangerous or something that shows uncertainty.(ख़तरनाक/अनिश्चित)
  12. Parlous: full of danger or uncertainty.
  13. A laughing stock: A person who is subjected to mockery.(हंसी का पात्र)
  14. Plunge: jump or dive quickly in water.(डुबकी)
  15. Slump: heavy downpour. (मंदी)
  16. Disseminating: to spread or distribute widely, especially information.(प्रसारित करना)
  17. Myriad: It means countless or extremely great numbers or something that can not be counted. (असंख्य)
  18. Fade: something that causes loss of colour or brightness.(फीका)
  19. Impecunious:  means having little or no money.(निर्धन)
  20. Indigent: means poor or needy.(दरिद्र)
  21. Destitute: without any money, food or home.(निःसहाय)
  22. Brevity: something that is concise. (संक्षिप्तता)
  23. Cut a sorry figure: create a poor impression.
  24. Disciple: A person who follows a teacher, especially a religious one.(अनुयायी)
  25. At loggerheads: in violent dispute or disagreement.(झगड़े में)
  26. Canyon: A deep valley river with a very sharp slope.(घाटी)
  27. Canny: careful; cautious; prudent.(चालाक)
  28. Canines: dogs or (दंतक)
  29. Whimsical: weird.(सनकी)
  30. Leap: jump high or long way.(छलाँग)
  31. Peek: to look at something quickly and secretly.(तिरछी नज़र)
  32. Sororal: Sisterlike.
  33. Lineage: ancestry.(वंशावली)
  34. Conspicuous: something that can be easily seen or noticed.(सुस्पष्ट)
  35. Scalded: something that is burned from hot liquid.(गरम पानी से जला हुआ)
  36. Scorched: something that is burnt by fire or intense heat.(सूखा हुआ/झुलसाया हुआ)
  37. Chasm: Gulf. (खाई)
  38. Embark: To begin or to get on a ship.(प्रारंभ करना/जहाज पर चढ़ना)
  39. Leverage: To take advantage of.(फ़ायदा उठाना)
  40. Disbursements: अदायगी
  41. Debris: मलबा
  42. Remission: Pardon.
  43. Foraging: Searching for food.
  44. Stringent: Harsh; rigid.
  45. Stagnated: स्थिर
  46. Ad Hoc: Temporary.
  47. Bludgeoned: कुचला हुआ
  48. Mulls: To consider.
  49. Disparaging: depreciatory.
  50. prima facie: at first sight.
  51. Slanderous: निंदात्मक.
  52. Onset: Attack; aggression; invasion.
  53. Blaze: flame.
  54. Frail: Weak.
  55. Prevaricating: Avoid telling the truth.
  56. Equivocate: Unclear language especially to deceive or mislead someone.
  57. Unsparing: Severe.
  58. Altruism: परोपकारिता
  59. Fetter: Keep someone within limits or stop making any progress.
  60. Stimulus: Something causes activity, development or interest.
  61. Glossary: Dictionary of the special term used in a particular job or field; Lingo; vocabulary.
  62. Annexure: An addition to a document; Attachment.
  63. Reiterate: To say something again.
  64. Asphyxiation: दम घुटना
  65. Putrid: Smelling bad after dead (dead plants or animals) for sometime.
  66. Putrefy: Unpleasant smell, to decay.
  67. Quash: To say that an official decision is no longer truly legal; To cancel an official decision.
  68. Veiled: अप्रत्यक्ष; not clear.
  69. Curb: To control.
  70. Robust: Strong.
  71. Wear a heart on sleeves: To make your feelings obvious.
  72. Refute: Disapprove.
  73. Theology: The study of religion and religious belief.
  74. Dilemma: Doubt; Suspense.
  75. Strolling: To walk in a relaxed way, especially for pleasure.
  76. Commotion: Confusion.                                                                                                                                                           
  77. Stagnation: Stability.
  78. Perusal: A reading or examining of something; peruse.
  79. Finery: Elegant and beautiful clothes and jewelry especially those that are worn for a special occasion.
  80. Defer: To postpone something.
  81. All eyes: watch eagerly.
  82. Cut down: Reduce the size, amount or quantity of something.
  83. Uprising: A situation in which a group of people start to fight against those people who are in power in their country.
  84.  Sedition:  Rebellion against government or kingdom.
  85. Coldness: Unfriendly behaviour.
  86. Cordiality: Sincere affection and kindness.
  87. Wrathful: Full of or characterised by intense anger.
  88. Proverbial: Well known and talked about by a lot of people.
  89. Anticipation: The state of expecting something to happen.
  90. Accommodate: To provide with a place to live or to be stored.
  91. Intruder: Someone who is in a place or situation where they are not wanted.
  92. Aborigines: Mean a person, animal or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times.
  93. Flashy: looking too bright, big and expensive in a way that is intended to get attention and admiration.
  94. A skeleton in the cupboard: An embarrassing fact to be kept secret.
  95. Fly into passion: To become angry suddenly.
  96. Ominous: Suggesting that something unpleasant is going to happen.
  97. Desolate: A place having no living things.
  98. Bleak: miserable; बेरंग
  99. Transient: Temporary (continuing something for a period of time or short time.
  100. Weary: feeling or showing extreme tiredness.
  101. Mild: not very serious.
  102. Vitalised: Give strength and energy to something.
  103. Bag and baggage: With all of one’s possessions or with all one’s belongings.
  104. Drowsy: Not completely awake.
  105. Gleaming: Brightening. .
  106. Gazing longingly: Hard feeling desire for something.
  107. Flora: Plant of a particular region.
  108. Flinch: To make a sudden small movement because of fear or pain.
  109. Fauna: The animals of a particular region.
  110. Texture: (बनावट)
  111. Savory: Attractive to the sense of taste or smell (दिलकश)
  112. Flotsam: The wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea.
  113. Tamper: (छेड़छाड़)
  114. Abridgement: A shortened or condensed form of a larger book.
  115. Draw the long bow: To lie; to exaggerate.
  116. Cool their heels: Someone is deliberately keeping you waiting so that you get bored or impatient.
  117. Flog a dead horse: Situation that cannot be changed.
  118. Exaltation: उमंग; उत्कर्ष 
  119. Embody: To represent a quality or idea exactly.
  120. Resist: To fight against or oppose something or someone.
  121. Elective: Optional.
  122. Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties (चौकन्ना).
  123.  Plotting: Secretly makes plans to carry out an illegal or harmful action.
  124. Clouding: To make someone confused.
  125. Mortified: Disrespected.
  126. Stunned: Keep the mouth open by seeing or hearing something.
  127. Incite: Provokes.
  128. Powwow: Discussing about something.
  129. Plague: To disturb.
  130. Persecute: To oppress (जुल्म करना)
  131. Devised: Invent something new or new way of doing something.
  132. Novice: A person who is inexperienced in a field or situation.
  133. Dabbler: A person who is not completely skilled in something.
  134. Assiduous: Showing hard work and attention to details.
  135. Riotous: Having a vivid; varied appearance (उपद्रवी)
  136. Compel: Pushing or nudging hard or relentlessly.(विवश करना)
  137. Savage: Cruel and vicious; aggressively hostile.
  138. Devastation: Damage and destruction.
  139. Decisive: Having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
  140. Mutually: Something that is shared by two or more individuals or groups.
  141. Pupils: A person, especially a child in school who is being taught.
  142. Snapping: To express yourself quickly and angrily.
  143. Elbow room: to give freedom to do what one wants.
  144. Ragas and melodies: (राग और धुन)
  145. Invigilator: A person who supervises students during an examination.
  146. Curator: A person whose job is to look after the things that are kept in a museum.
  147. Wry face: Disdainful grimace (तिरस्कारपूर्ण मुस्कराहट)
  148. Cloven hoof: The foot of an animal such as a cow or a sheep that is divided into two parts.
  149. A far cry: To be completely different from something.
  150. Jaundiced eye: To take upon something with prejudice, usually in a cynical or negative way.
  151. Nexus: A complicated series connection between two or more people or things.
  152. Alignment: Arrangement of a straight line or parallel of something.
  153. Incongruence: The state of not being suitable or not fitting well with something else.
  154. Mutate: To change into a new form.
  155. Incise: Mark or decorate an object or surface with a cut or cuts.
  156. Genre: a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special characteristics.
  157. Aggravate: To make something worse or more serious.
  158. Recourse: To help in a difficult situation.
  159. Rectify: To correct something or make something right.
  160. Banging: A continuing very large noise.
  161. Scorching: Burning; very hot.
  162. Alleviating: To reduce severe pain or problems.
  163. Vain: Excessively proud or concerned about one’s own appearance, qualities, achievements etc.; conceited.(गुमान)
  164. Otiose: There is no practical or result (निकम्मा)
  165. Domineering: Asserting one’s will over another in an arrogant way.(घमंडी)
  166. Equinox: When day and night are approximately equal length.
  167. Equilibrium: A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
  168. Equine: A horse or a member of a horse family.
  169. Melancholy: Extremely sad.
  170. Affinity: attraction, Cordiality.
  171. Uniformity: The quality or fact of being the same.(एकरूपता)
  172. Bliss: Reach a state of perfect happiness.
  173. Contentment: A state of happiness and satisfaction.
  174. Hasty: Done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.
  175. Magnify: To have the power to cause the objects to appear larger than they actually are.
  176. Magnanimous: Generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful (उदार)
  177. Miniature: A thing that is much smaller than normal.
  178. Avaricious: Greedy.
  179. Clemency: An art of mercy by a person in authority towards someone who has committed a crime.(दया)
  180. Hegemony: Leadership of dominance, especially one state or social group over others.(नेतृत्व)
  181. Nostalgic: Feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past.
  182. Remorse: Repentance. (A deep feeling of regret or guilt for doing something wrong or hateful)
  183. Precise: Exact and accurate.
  184. Reach fever pitch: To become very intense and exciting or very desperate.
  185. Rhetoric: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, often exaggerated or insincere.
  186. Deliberation: Long and careful consideration or discussion.
  187. Spontaneous: Happening or done in a natural, often sudden way without any planning or without being forced.
  188. Dubious: Doubtful.
  189. Nefarious: Wicked or criminal.
  190. Consummate: Complete or perfect in skill.
  191. Populous: Having a large population.
  192. A bolt from the blue: A sudden and unexpected event.
  193. Humorous: The ability to find things funny.
  194. Perceive: To give an opinion about something.
  195. Ins and outs: The detailed or complicated fact of something.
  196. Crying need: A very obvious need.
  197. Respite:  A useful delay before something unpleasant happens.
  198. Warden: A person who is in charge of a particular building.
  199. Mesmerise:
  200. Sacked: Suspend.
  201. Ablution: The act of washing oneself.
  202. Administer: To distribute.
  203. Graft: A piece of living tissue or plant is transplanted surgically.
  204. Gratis: When something is offered free of cast.
  205. Gourmet: A person who knows a lot about food and cooking and enjoys eating good food.
  206. Gracious: Magnanimous, courteous, kind, pleasant.
  207. Piercing: A small hole in a part of the body, typically other than the ears, made so as to insert a ring, stud, or other piece of jewelry.
  208. Sleek: Having a smooth bright surface or appearance.
  209. Pie: A type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruit in pastry and baked(roasted).
  210. In weal and woe: In prosperity and adversity.
  211. Disenfranchise: To take away power or opportunities, especially the right to vote.
  212. Sporadic: Occasional.
  213. Dreary: Unattractive and having nothing of any interest.
  214. Savvy: Shrewd and knowledgeable; having common sense and good.
  215.  Sympathizers: A person who agrees with or supports a sentiment, opinion, or ideology.
  216. A rolling stone gathers no moss:  A person who does not settle in one place will not accumulate wealth or status.
  217. Conspire: Plot.
  218. Enact: To make a law, decree, or rule.
  219. Numismatist: A person who collects or studies about coins or currency.
  220. Inherent: something that is an essential part of something.
  221. Propagandize: To promote or publicise a particular cause, idea, or view, especially in a biased or misleading way.
  222. Calde: A biological term that refers to a group of organisms that have a common ancestor.
  223. Persuade: To pressurise or influence someone to do something.
  224. Legacy: Property, money, or other valuable assets that are left to someone in a will after the death of the person who owned them.
  225. Ledger: A book or record of financial accounts.
  226. Lexical: The vocabulary or words used in a language or particular field of study.
  227. Diligent: A person who works hard.
  228. Breathed his last: To die.
  229. Nipped in the mud: To stop something at an early stage.
  230. Keep the ball rolling: To keep something going on.
  231. Dug the grave: To create a difficult situation for oneself.
  232. Pay someone a visit: To meet someone and spend time with him.
  233. Pacifies:
  234. Solicitor: Advocate.
  235. Void: Gap
  236. Perils: Hazard.
  237. Spick and span: Neat, clean, and well looked after.
  238. On demand: As soon as or whenever required.
  239. Of no vail: Without any success or any effort.
  240. High and dry: Without any resources or help.
  241. Prone: Having or showing natural inclination or tendency to something.
  242. Liable: Responsible by law or legally answerable for.
  243. Intervention: The Action is taken to improve medical disorder.
  244. Philology: The study of language.
  245. Lexicography: The theory or practice of writing dictionaries.
  246. Philosophy: The study of ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life.
  247. Exemplary: Very good; that can be an example to others.
  248. Pedestrian: A person who is walking in the street.
  249. Enervating: causing one to feel drained of energy or vitality; to make someone powerless.
  250. Beguiling: Attracting or enchanting.
  251. Constellation: A group of stars that forms a pattern and that have a name.
  252. Caravan: Group of people or an animal that travels together.
  253. Horde: A very large number of people.
  254. Pleaded: To ask somebody for something in a very strong and serious way.
  255. Affliction: Pain, distress.
  256. Rapt: So interested in one particular thing that you do not notice anything.
  257. Crave: to want and need to have something very much; तरसना
  258. Obstacles: Hinder, Impede, Restraint.
  259. Hefty: Big and strong or heavy.
  260. Get a second wind: Get back to the strength or energy that makes something possible to continue in an action or start again.
  261. Move the needle: To change a situation to a noticeable degree.
  262. Burn the bridge: Do something which makes it impossible to restore to an earlier state.
  263. Acerbic: Sharp and direct.
  264. Zoonotic: Related to animals.
  265. Anodyne: A painkiller drug or medicine.
  266. Abandon: Renounce; To leave something/somebody that you are responsible for, usually permanently.
  267. Abase: To disrespect someone.
  268. Steadfastness: Perseverance.
  269. Vice city: Neighborhood place.
  270. Fright: Fear by sudden danger.
  271. Knight: A man who serves his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour.
  272. Strife: Angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.
  273. Veteran: A person having long significant experience in an occupation.
  274. Fastidious: Very attentive and concerned about accuracy and details.
  275. Ebbing: To decline or decay.
  276. Accentuate: Make more noticeable or prominent.
  277. Bob’s your uncle: Something that can be achieved in a simple manner.
  278. Consent: Permission for something to happen.
  279. Dissent: A strong disagreement.
  280. Inflict: To avenge or punish or Impose.
  281. Impose: थोपना
  282. Impious: Showing lack of respect for God or religion.
  283. Reinforcing: Strengthening or supporting an object or substance.
  284. Discrete: Individually separate.
  285. Mitigate: To make something less severe or less unpleasant.
  286. Effectuate: To prove.
  287. Legitimately: In a way that is allowed by law
  288. Exacerbate: To make the situation more violent, bitter or severe.
  289. Outlandish: Strange and unusual and difficult to accept or like.
  290. Poise: Quality of grace; equilibrium.
  291. Consternate: A feeling of strong annoyance and anger.
  292. Bridle: To control or hold off doing something.
  293. Himalayan blunder: A very serious mistake or error.
  294. Picking holes on one’s cot: To criticize someone by pointing out the flaws in their work.
  295. Minding one’s p’s and q’s: Practice good manners and be precise and careful in one’s behaviour in one’s speech.
  296. Raining cats and dogs: A heavy downpour.
  297. Mausoleum: A stately (allisan) or impressive building housing a tomb or group of tombs (मक़बरा).
  298. Tyranny: A state under cruel and oppressive government; Autocracy.
  299. Compassion: A strong feeling of sympathy for those who are suffering from problems or pain.
  300. Discordance: Diversity, difference.
  301. Horticulture: The art of practice of garden cultivation and management.
  302. Pisciculture: Rearing of fishes.
  303. Sericulture: The production of silk and the rearing of silkworms.
  304. Apiculture: The scientific method of rearing honeybees.
  305. Lips off: To speak falteringly childishly or with lisp.
  306. Lay off: Discharging a worker temporarily or permanently because of economic conditions or shortage of work.
  307. Lay on: Provide a service or amenity.
  308. Lie on: To affect someone in a specified way.
  309. Remnant: A small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount.
  310. Nonchalant: Behaving in a calm manner showing that you are not worried or frightened बेपरवाह.
  311. Shallow: Superficial.
  312. Adorn: To make something more attractive by putting something on it.
  313. Adore: Deep love and respect for someone.
  314. Cut a poor figure: To make a bad impression.
  315. Bear the Palm: To be a winner.
  316. Clamour: To make a loud complaint or demand.
  317. Entourage: The group of people who travel with an important or famous person and they work for him.
  318. Gambit: Involves taking a risk.
  319. Hysterically: Without being able to control your feelings or behaviour because you are extremely frightened, angry, excited (पागल)
  320. Hysterical: Funny.
  321. Immense: Extremely large in size or degree.
  322. Facile: Easy or too easy.
  323. Frisk: Frolic; playing.
  324. Foliage: The leaves of a plant or tree.
  325. Encompasses: To include different types of things.
  326. Long standing: Having existed for a long time.
  327. Unscrupulously: In a manner that lacks moral values(बेईमानी से).
  328. Halt: A suspension of movement or activity, typically a temporary one.
  329. Cease: Bring or come to an end.
  330. Plausible: Credible (Able to be believed; capable of persuading people that something will happen or be successful); प्रशंसनीय
  331. Quicken the pulse: Excited or interested.
  332. Pull out all the stops: Make a very great effort to achieve something.
  333. Run around in a circle: Do something for a long time without achieving anything apart from purposeless repetition.
  334. Reach for the moon: To attempt to do or obtain something that is really tough.
  335. Nostalgia: An excessively intense desire for returning to past or lost conditions.
  336. Glitterati: The fashionable set of people engaged in show business or some other glamorous activity.
  337. Paranoia: Distrustful;पागलपन
  338.  Regicide: Killing a king.
  339. Homicide: The killing of one person by another.
  340. Uxoricide: The killing of one’s wife.
  341. Amiable: Showing a friendly and pleasant manner.
  342. Artillery: Large caliber guns used in war on land.
  343. Sergeant: A rank of non commissioned officer in the army or air force.
  344. On the wane: On the decline.
  345. Fluke: Chance.
  346. Arbitrary:
  347. Inexplicable: Inscrutable.
  348. Indelible: That can’t be removed or washed out.
  349. Disgruntled: Disappointed or annoyed.
  350. Acumen: Sharpness and accuracy.
  351. Estimation: Opinion or judgement.
  352. Correspondence: The act of writing letters.
  353. Negligent: Failing to take proper care of something.
  354. Coarse: Consisting a large piece; rough; not smooth.
  355. Succulent: Juicy.
  356. Disrupt: Breach; restraint.
  357. Devastated: Extremely shocked and upset.
  358. Eventually: Ultimately.
  359. Leisure: The time when you do not have to do anything; free time.
  360. Spokesperson: The person who is chosen to speak officially for a group or an organisation.
  361. Slacken: To become or make something slower or less active.
  362. Retard: Restraint.
  363. Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
  364. Pyrophobia: Fear of fire.
  365. Agoraphobia: Fear of being in public places where there are lots of people or fear of being in situations or places where escape might be difficult.
  366. Greener pasture:
  367. Dilate: To become or make something larger, wider or more open.
  368. Obligatory: Compulsory.
  369. Shrouds: कफ़न.
  370. Elucidates: To make something clear.
  371. Lucid: Easy to understand; Intelligible.
  372. Ambiguous: Difficult to understand.
  373. Deters: To prevent or discourage someone from doing something.
  374. Palpable: Able to be clear or to be felt.
  375. Intangible: Not definite or clear to the mind; which you cannot touch.
  376. Physical abuse: Means intentionally acts causing injury, trauma to the body.
  377. At an arm’s length: To keep something at distance.
  378. Islet: A small island.
  379. Lagoon: A stretch of salt water separated from sea.
  380. An olive branch: A branch of an olive tree which is known as a sign of peace.
  381. Hangar: A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft.
  382.  Inherent: Existing in something as a permanent.
  383. On the ball: To be alert.
  384. Kindle: Arouse or trigger an emotion or feeling.
  385. Shoulder: Deal with or accept something difficult.
  386. Kennel: Shelter of dog.
  387. Hostility: Restraint, Impede, Hinder, unfriendliness.
  388. Baffle: Puzzle.
  389. Yellow bellies: Coward.
  390. Skeptical: Doubtful.
  391. Zealots: कट्टरपंथी.
  392. Pampered: Indulge with every attention; comfort; kindness; लाड़ प्यार.
  393. Flourish: To achieve success; prosper.
  394. Solemn: Dignified; A person who is very serious, not happy or smiling.
  395. Frivolous: Not serious, silly.
  396. Lacuna: Hiatus; Gap or missing part.
  397. Apathy: A feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about anything; Neutral.
  398. Languor: Tiredness or inactivity, especially pleasurable.
  399. Graffiti: Drawings or scribbled on walls in public places.
  400. Relapsed: To become worse again after an improvement.
  401. Resorted: to take help.
  402. Entomology: Study of insects.
  403. Lie low: Try not to be noticed.
  404. Verbatim: In exactly the same words as the original.
  405. Cool a cucumber: Calm and composed.
  406. Exonerate: To say officially that somebody was not responsible for something bad happened; Absolve; Exempt; Acquit.
  407. Portrait: A picture, painting or photograph of a person.
  408. Collage: A picture made by fixing pieces of paper, cloth, photograph, etc. on the surface.
  409. Caricature: A picture or description of somebody that makes his/her appearance or behaviour funnier and more extreme than it really is.
  410. Camaraderie: A feeling of friendship among a group of people who work together or share an experience.
  411. Amity: Championship; friendly relation.
  412. Taking the trouble: The exert effort and energy in accomplishing or attempting something.
  413. Unyielding: Firm; obstinate; stubborn.
  414.  Misappropriate: Unfairly take something belonging to another for one’s use.
  415. Misconstrue: अशुद्ध अर्थ लगाना.
  416. Misapprehend:.
  417. Misinterpret: झूठा अर्थ लगाना.
  418. Sober: Not affected by alcohol: Not drunk.
  419. Insolvable: A problem that is so difficult that it cannot be answered.
  420. To fight shy of: Try to avoid something.
  421. Merge: Meet, swollow, absorb.
  422. Lock horn: Argue about something.
  423. Forfend: means to defend, secure, protect.
  424. Make up: To make a decision about something.
  425. Make on: To turn on, light, or ignite.
  426. Make out: Engage in sexual foreplay or intercourse.
  427. Blow your own trumpet: Boast about one’s qualities.
  428. Volatile: To display rapid changes of emotion.
  429. Satiated: To completely satisfy yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure.
  430. Famished: Starved.
  431. Dazed: Unable to think or react properly: Bewildered; Confused.
  432. Vertebrate: A group of animals having spinal cord.
  433. Audacity: Daring.
  434. Cat’s paw: A person is used as a tool by another.
  435. Meekness: Modesty.
  436. Industrious: Diligent; Zealous; always working hard.
  437. Concede: To accept.
  438. Pay heed to: Listen carefully and attentively.
  439. Harpoon: A spear used for hunting large fish.
  440. Spear: भाला
  441. Lance: A long weapon with wooden shaft and pointed steel head, formerly used by horsemen in charging.
  442. Larder: A room or large cupboard for storing food.
  443. Bare: Basic.
  444. To sit on the fence: Avoid taking sides; to remain neutral.
  445. Hit a brick wall: Not able to make any progress.
  446. Imbue: Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality.
  447. Instill: Gradually but firmly establish an idea or attitude in a person’s mind.
  448. Dodging: To make sudden movement in order to avoid someone or something.
  449. Monotonous: Boring.
  450. Creche: A place where the small children are looked after while their parents are working or shopping.
  451. Cuisine: The style of cooking of a particular country or region.
  452. Inarticulate: Unable to express feelings clearly.
  453. Eloquent: Able to use language and express your opinion well, especially when you speak in public.
  454. Constrict: To become or make something tighter, narrower or less.
  455. Choke: To be or make somebody unable to breathe.
  456. Smite: To hurt, attack, defeat or kill someone.
  457. Cramp: Sudden pain that you get in muscle, that makes it difficult to move.
  458. Clench: To close or hold something tightly.
  459. Condemned: Sentenced to the particular punishment, especially to the death.
  460. Humbled: Cause someone to feel less important or proud.
  461. Demeaned: Cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect of someone or something.
  462. Stance: The attitude of a person or organisation towards something; दृष्टिकोण
  463. Bearing: A person’s way of standing or moving.
  464. Fecund: उपजाऊ
  465. Genial: Friendly and cheerful.
  466. Gradually: धीरे-धीरे
  467. Cordon: घेरा
  468. Cordon off: घेरा करना
  469. Fabricated: गढ़ा हुआ
  470. Posthumously: After death.
  471. Laureate: Prize winner.
  472. Indomitable: Something that cannot be changed.
  473. Pioneer: Leader.
  474. Slothful: Lazy.
  475. Springboard: Something that helps you start an activity, especially giving you ideas.
  476. Effervescent: Energetic; vibrant.
  477. Turn topsy-turvy: To completely change something.
  478. A square deal: A fair and honest deal.
  479. Keep your head calm: Remain calm.
  480. Take back:  you admit that something that you said or thought is wrong.
  481. Take out:  To remove or extract someone or something from something or some place..
  482. Take away: to reduce the value or importance of (something) 
  483. Hypochondriac: A person with imaginary symptoms and diseases;रोगभ्रमी
  484. Gusto: Enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something.
  485. Bit his leaps: Become angry.
  486. Speculating: Guess possible answer to the question when you don’t have enough information to be certain.
  487. Deem: To consider.
  488. Agile: Able to move quickly and easily; Nimble
  489. Guile: Cheat; fraud; deception.
  490. Breach: violation; outrage; crack; leak.
  491. Know like the back of one’s hand: To have detailed knowledge of something.
  492. Despised: To hate and disrespect someone.
  493. Peculiar: Weird; particular; special.
  494. Dialect: It is a form of language which is particular to a specific region or social group.
  495. Lingo: It is foreign language or local dialect.
  496. Long in the tooth: Very old.
  497. Morale: Confidence; discipline; enthusiasm of a person or a group at a particular time.
  498. A lady’s man: A lover of woman company.


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