Most Important Day In which we will talk about most important days which are celebrated in a country or abroad. these days can vary in may areas like birthday, organization’s initiatives, shaping one’s journey, celebration in the memory of great person, etc.
राष्ट्रीय बालिका दिवस:
it is celebrated on 24-Jan
Theme: its theme for 2024 has not be announced yet.
पराक्रम दिवस:
It is celebrated on 23-Jan in the memory of Subash Chandra Bosh.
भारत प्रवासी दिवस:
It is celebrated on 9-Jan
World Wetlands Day/विश्व आर्द्रभूमि दिवस
It is celebrated on 2-Feb.
Theme: The theme of 2024 was “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing”
International Mother tongue Day/अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस
It is celebrated on 21-Feb
Theme-2024: “Close the care gap: everyone deserves access to cancer care”
National Science Day/राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान दिवस
It is celebrated on 28-Feb in the memory of Shri Raman for Raman effect.
Theme: विकसित भारत के लिए स्वदेशी तकनीक
International Women Day/अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस
It is celebrated on 8-March.
Theme: “Inspire Inclusion”
World Water Day/विश्व जल दिवस
It is celebrated on 22-March
Theme: “Water for Peace”
World Parkinson’s Day/विश्व पार्किंसंस दिवस
It is celebrated on 11-April
World Heritage Day/विश्व विरासत दिवस
It is celebrated on 18-April
Theme: “Discover and experience Diversity”
World Earth Day/विश्व पृथ्वी दिवस
It celebrated on 22-April
Theme: Earth v/s Plastics.
Establishment of Goa/गोवा की स्थापना
It was established on 30-May-1961
From 1947 to 1961, Goa was possessed by Portuguese. in 1961 Goa, Daman and Dev was merged in India through operation Vijay.
30-May-1987: Goa was considered as full statehood of India and Daman and Dev was considered as UT of India.
World No Tobacco Day/विश्व तम्बाकू निषेध दिवस
It is celebrated on 31-May
Theme-2024: “Protecting Children from Tobacco Industry Interference.
Theme-2023: “We Need Food not Tobacco.
World Environment Day/विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस
It is celebrated on 5-June.
Theme-2024: “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience”.
Theme-2023: “Beat Plastic Pollution”.
World Food Security Day/विश्व खाद्य सुरक्षा दिवस
It is celebrated on 7-June.
Theme-2024: “Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected”.
World Day Against Child Labor/विश्व बाल श्रम निषेध दिवस
It is celebrated on 12-June.
Theme-2024: “let’s Act on Our Commitments: End Child Labor.
World Population Day/विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस
It is celebrated on 11-July.
Theme-2024: “Leave No One Behind, Count Everyone”.
World Food Day/विश्व खाद्य दिवस
It is celebrated on 16-October.
Theme-2024: “Right to foods for a better life and a better future.”
Theme-2023: “Water is life, Water is Food. Leave No One behind.”
World Polio Day/विश्व पोलियो दिवस
It is Celebrated on 24-October.
Theme: ” A Global Mission to Reach Every Child”
World Heart Day/विश्व हृदय दिवस
It is celebrated on 29-September.
Theme-2024: “Use Heart for Action”